Dexcom online sensor replacement page

Dexcom has a new website. The online sensor replacement request page is hard to find:


Bookmarked it, thanks

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@Randy Thanks for posting the page link! I’ve used a very similar looking page a few times in the last two years. Don’t see a drastic difference, but perhaps its changed a bit. You’re right, I don’t recall it being exactly “front and center,” like their home page. I wrote both Dexcom and filed a complaint with FDA about it (not that it did any good). Strikes me they complicate finding it thinking people will go to telephone customer service, which tries as hard as they can to talk you out of requesting a replacement…the old “wait 3 hours” (what don’t you understand about the word “continuous?!). It’s like Cust Serv gets paid based on how many replacements they order. Seems the web form could still be greatly simplified, like self-populating fields after entering your name/address or acct #! It’s not that it’s that hard or takes that long, it’s that other companies have demonstrated real efficiency…seems intentionally slanted to making it difficult so we’ll give up. Of course, they’re in it as a business enterprise and you most executives don’t see the “happy customer” vs giving product away as a balanced equation.


The odd thing, Tom, is even when I use the online phone, I get a call from support. Maybe it’s just me.


Interesting, I’ve never gotten a call unless I asked for it (one time, because CS didn’t have a clue about a tech question).

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I’ll check it out, but I recently (1 week ago) used the same link I’ve always used, with no issues. Already received the replacement from that submission.

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I think it is the same page, but I did not have it bookmarked and could not readily get to it from their current home page.

Response is excellent–my replacement is already on its way.


A post was split to a new topic: Dexcom Sensor Replacement Policy