Dexcom Tech Wait time 635 Minutes! What?

I have had cause to call Tech Support twice this week. The first time the wait-time was 420 minutes (I left a call back number), last night it was 635 minutes. Why does this always seem to happen at bedtime? I get really stressed out. Considering the amount of money Dexcom is raking in, why is the tech support SO unprofessional? Clearly it is set in the Philippines (I have no problem with that) but seriously roosters crowing, babies crying, poor English skills. It is pathetic!


Many of us use the online support form instead of calling.


Hi @CatLady,
I wanted to ask you something.

I had never used the website before, I have always called them.

I called the other day, and the hold was ridiculous, so I hung up and thought I would give the website a try.

Entering all the information was pretty easy, but I still have not gotten any confirmation that they are sending me a replacement sensor.

Do they email you when they are sending it, or do they ever tell you that the replacement is confirmed?



Agree 1000% - have been put on hold and kept waiting, waiting, waiting - it’s ridiculous indeed. They once called me back after midnight and of course I was peeved about them waking me up so late.

Only good thing about Dexcom is that they replace the faulty G7s immediately.

Another big issue is that most diabetic devices are public and on the stock market, just like Telus Health in the province of Alberta in Canada. Once they go public it seems their stock value is the only thing that counts. Many wealthy people keep their stocks full of pharmaceutical companies. I find this really icky indeed.

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They’ll email you congirmation when they get around to it. Could be a couple hours, could be 5 days. I think the longest time for me has been a week, but usually sooner than that. :woman_shrugging:



It’s gotten really sketchy with them. One time on the phone, we completed the call, but the whole thing did not really give me any confidence. The guy said he would submit my request for approval.

I was like - what do you mean submit it for approval?!? Am I approved or not?

And he said he did not know if it was approved!

So after not hearing from them for a few days, I called again to report the same issue. But that time I got an immediate email.

Well, as it turned out, 2 sensors were sent to me for the same issue. :man_facepalming:t2: But only 1 email telling me that!

I wasn’t trying to scam them, but their crappy support service made me think I should call again to get it replaced. And they did it for both calls.

Anyway, I wasn’t sure what to expect with the website. You’d think the whole thing would be automated.

An immediate - “Thank you for contacting us.”

And then, when it ships - “Your replacement has been shipped.”


They used to send an automatic follow-up email confirming the case number and providing an opportunity to add more info. The last time I submitted the form, I didn’t hear anything until I got the shipping confirmation. I dunno… :woman_shrugging:


Thanks @CatLady!

I guess from now on, I gotta hang on to the faulty sensor until I get a replacement.


Edited after reading CatLady response: @Eric my experience is similar to @CatLady’s. When I’ve called, I received a response during the call, though once recall a recontact by a “senior” tech. These were always backed up with an email saying it was shipped. After the call center got stingy (nearly refusing replacement), I think you steered me to the online form. When using the online form I’ve always gotten an email response along with a 2nd one stating shipment, Once again, even with the online system, I got a call from a “senior” tech wanting to verify the situation. Haven’t had the need in the last 6-9 months.


One odd thing about reporting g7 issues…
When you call, first thing they do is ask for the serial number. Then they make you go through all the info, what the issue is, insertion date, etc. But one rep let it slip that they know EVERYTHING about each sensor - when it goes to sensor issue, and for how long, how many times in a session, when you calibrate it, and by how much, if its failed, who’s using it, etc. So why do they ask all the questions? (Also, this kinda weirds me out)


Me, too… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yes, i always save the paper cover off the sensor package in case I need the lot #. The website form requires it.


@Mariethm Regarding info Dexcom has, I’ve always assumed they had the info somewhere, though perhaps not accessible at the Call Center level. My wife is found of saying, “We have no privacy anymore!”; she’s right, just a modicum of discretion. Think I posted this elsewhere, but ever since my first call to Dexcom and I didn’t know answers to their questions (S/N, Lot #, etc.), I’ve taken pictures with my phone of the back of the G6 bubble pack with all the info as well as the QR code/number on peel off paper covering the adhesive; I do similarly with back of the bubble pack on my Dash pods. Once the device serves its purpose, the pics go in the trash. Keeps the info desired readily available…


I always take pics. And keep the faulty sensor
and info part of the box until I hear back, in case they want it. That is happening often, and now they ask for the WHOLE box.
I know we have no privacy, but I don’t love the idea of some CSR having access to my info.


for the first time, I was refused a replacement. But the tech I was talking to was in an entirely different category from most that I speak with. After waiting 6 hours for a call back, she said my monitor was having trouble reading my BG. Duh! She insisted I calibrate 3 times, 15 minutes apart and then call back if I was still having problems. I only had two days to go and just gave up and replaced the sensor. This all takes a huge amount of energy and anxiety. I am SO underimpressed that this multi-billion company (and now pushing the product to the general public), has such useless support!

LADA 2023
Mountain View, CA


I save the applicator until ready to replace. Has all the info on it. Also my pump has the info. I must be lucky. Have never had an issue with waiting for tech support.


i used to receive responses within the same day or hour, however, i recently had a sensor die after 6 or 7 days, and it took about a week before i received a response…something seems to be slowing them down, but it looks like as long as you are willing to wait a week for a response, you’ll be ok…at least insulet is still within the hour…i submitted my request to dexcom on Thursday or Friday, so again, approximately a week for them to respond with tracking numbers


@LADALady Not sure it would have an effect, but I’d recommend filing an online complaint with the FDA and the FTC (both have online systems) listing the actions you had to take citing both the wait times and the reason (failure of their product to meet advertised claims of life). For the expense to you and to insurance) the cost is significant. As long as you’re not replacing every other sensor, the FTC lives for cases like this, particularly with the commissioner’s currently at the helm. The problem is it takes time and you may not see the result, but sending Dexcom a copy of the complaint may get some attention if enough people do it.


I’ve never had to wait more than 10 to 15 minutes.

This is the message Dexcom is showing on the link now:

We’re currently experiencing a high volume of inquiries, and we want to ensure each of you receives the attention you deserve. Please bear with us as we work diligently to respond to your requests. We apologize for any delays and appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Right I always got an email confirmation when using the on-line form but the last few times no.

I made a claim on 5/5/24 for a network issue with Clarity & they replied a week later on 5/12/24 asking the particulars by that time I had already stumble on fixing the issue.

Guess they are just being overwhelm.

Sould note using the on-line form I have never been denied replacement sensors. I do try to be fair if the senors had trouble with seven days use, which was the norm for the G6, I would ask for a replacement every other time.