Is anyone getting more than 7 good days out of a Dexcom sensor?

For the last 4-5 sensor placements-all on abdomen as suggested-I have only gotten 6-7 days out of a sensor before getting wonky readings. For example I just received an alert that BGL was 48 and falling fast. I feel fine, so did a finger stick and the result was 139 mg%! Also happens that last 3 days or so have many missing data points and not infrequent “wait up to 3 hours” messages. It’s a drag to have to keep contacting Dexcom support.


In general I haven’t had that issue, although I did have one particular box that was worse than others. Having the insertion get bloody is a more common issue for me.


If you call, yes. It’s pretty easy just to fill the web form at Product Support Request

Making a web form available to get a warranty replacement sensor or transmitter doesn’t excuse the failure of the device, but it helps.


Unfortunately, that form hasn’t been working for months. The CSRs over there have been swamped. Hold times have been up to an hour.
My sensors never last more than 9 days, and I used to contact them every time, but now if they last over 7, I hesitate to call.


Wow that is terrible that they shut down the web form. Is there a new one? Waiting on hold for an hour is untenable for a sensor fail.


Unfortunately Medicare will only provide 3 sensors every 30 days, so I’m stuck with seeking replacements If I want to monitor “continuously”.


If you happen to get a sensor that is still working ok on day 10, maybe try restarting it to get another day or few out of it so that you can grow a safety cushion of extra sensors.


Clarification: the form is still there, but won’t actually submit. I get an error message that I have to call. According to Dexcom, that is happening to everyone. Would a huge corporation lie to me? LOL


Chat mode worked for me when I couldn’t submit the form.


I have improved from maybe 50% of dexcom 6’s getting less than 7 days to most going at least 10 (I’m on day 10 today and the readings are jumpy and error prone but close enough to be useful, if not close a loop).

Part of it may be improvements on dexcoms end, but I’ve done a couple things too. A) used my arm and really avoided muscle/tendon areas. I’ve got the build of a starved giraffe and often when I’d pull sensors off the filament would have a bend or kink at the end where they ran into something. I choose a spot thats particularly fleshy on my arm, bunch up a wad of skin in one hand and then insert the sensor. The side benefit is its more comfortable! B) I make sure the tape stays down. Theres a zillion ways to improve the adhesion and its not too problematic for me anyway, but I’ve noticed that even if the tape doesn’t come off, the sensor is more reliable if its fully adhered.

FWIW, I’ve heard about these form issues but never had a problem with the iPhone dex app/Chrome browser.


Hmmm interesting. When did the form start to not work? I just submitted on August 5th and got a replacement with no issues at all.

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@bob.carlson I’m sorry to hear this. I typically get my 10 days out of a sensor with no issues. I wear mine almost solely on the back of my arms now. Every once in awhile I will get wonky readings on the day the sensor expires, but very rarely.

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We rotate biceps with our son and usually get 10 days or more. Sometimes as much as 15 or 16 days after restart. However, if we have any disconnect issues on the first sensor run, we don’t attempt to reuse it.

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It may just be happening to me. As I said, Dexcom reps say its been a big problem, but its very possible that they are just trying to placate me. :woman_shrugging: I’m glad its working for others, but it is a deciding factor going forward for me.

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Interesting to compare experiences. I don’t have a problem at the end of a sensor run, but will often have a problem at the start of a sensor run - when I insert the sensor gets knocked out and gives me readings of 40. The last time this happened was just this weekend and it lasted for 8 hours, but then the sensor reset and fixed itself.

I don’t like to call Dexcom support, but when I do I have found them to be very useful and helpful.

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Yes YDMV. The stress of it not working has to be very unnerving. I hope it works out!!!

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Bob, I also had all sorts of problems with sensors until I changed the sensor location and procedure. I changed the location to my arm between the triceps and deltoid muscles. I also make that area real cold before insertion. That reduces any bleeding after the insertion. Since that change I get a full 10 days with each sensor. It is normal after insertion for some insertions to be a little sensitive to pressure but that subsides after about a day. Most of my insertions however have been just about perfect.


I wear my G6 on the back of my arms and I’ve had issues with the site feeling irritated. When I go running I’ll get these brief pings or twinges that feel like the sensor wire is rubbing something it shouldn’t. Same if I stretch my arm “wrong.” This can happen on any day, not just the first or second one. I’ve also had two bleeders, one of which resulted in a bad sensor, but this problem doesn’t correlate with whether there’s bleeding or not. I’ve kept the sensor in despite the occasional irritation since there is no inflammation, redness, tenderness, discharge, etc., and the readings look ok. Next time I’m just going to stop it and order a replacement. It’s very frustrating since I vastly prefer arms to torso placement.


I was getting an average of about 26 days on mine. But since I restart mine I have several now that have expired by 6 months and those want to last only about 14 days. The shorter time since expiration the longer they last on me. The last one was only expired by 2 months and it lasted 22 days.

I have always used my arms and I prefer restarts as they take less work to get them as accurate with calibrations that I like . I like them to be within 5 points. I don’t know what the difference is as to why with some people they can last so long and other people can barely get them to last the 10 days. I had one last until day 45 once.


Have you tried putting sensors in different places? When I was on the G4 I always used my abdomen and could often get up to 40 or so days of reliable readings, but when I switched to the G6, for some mystery reason the abdomen readings were really wonky and I had to cut sessions short. Now I use only the backs of my arms or my chest, with very reliable results (although I no longer do restarts because of coverage).