I am married for 45 years to my dear wife. We have 4 grown sons, two with type 2 DM (sorry boys). I am retired as a telecommunications technician. I was diagnosed in 1990 with a fBG of somewhere between 400 and 450mg/dl, none of that prediabetes stuff for me.
I had great BG levels for 10 years with diet and exercise. BG started rising, even with stricter diet and more exercise. This began the years of progression from Metformin, to Lantus, MDI and finally a pump.
I still am careful about diet, exercise daily and still take Metformin. The Met diet has been reduced from 2000mg to 1000mg daily.
I am prone to read scientific studies, especially on all types of diabetes. I avoid getting taken in by non-scientific journalists. Most in my opinion are ill informed.
One more thing, my favorite outdoor activity is out on the road on my bicycle. I am lucky that this is an exercise that I don’t have to make myself do.