The daily life of cats

@needlesandmath so, TMI, they were both spayed/neutered a couple weeks before I got them. But they like to do un-siblingish things to each other, sometimes on my lap. :scream_cat:
For a while, I started calling them The Lannisters. Then decided to start telling people that they arenā€™t siblings.

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Chia is very sad that heā€™s gotten too big to share a chair comfortably. For a while, Matcha was ok with him basically sitting on her, but now she kicks him off.


Haha. Iā€™m old and skipped GoT, so my reference point is V. C. Andrews. Flowers in the Cattic, maybe? :joy_cat:

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Bwahaha! Too perfect!

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Too purrfect

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A double cat lap robe,


Sweetie and Leo both curled up on me this morning: so cozy and peaceful!


ā€œStop watching TV and get me my Fancy Feast, now, Daddy slave!ā€


I got these for my wife for Christmasā€¦obviously from our furry home members. The one one on the left has customizable ā€œkitty picsā€ on the other side (color, names, expressions) similar to the ones on the right. They arenā€™t cheap, but not expensive either, and the colors/images seem under the glazing!


So, Gilbert and Sullivan are your overlords. Love those mugs


I canā€™t remember when my husband started calling our cats ā€œoverlordsā€ but surely they are and we live to serve! :scream_cat: :joy_cat:


Does anyone remember a comic strip with 2 siamese cats who would occasionally be shown exerting mind control over the sleeping main character. I thought it was Cathy, but no. Google was no help.

@CarlosLuis I donā€™t recall a Cathy a specific one, but know there have been several with this theme! I like that @CatLady recognizes the general ā€œoverlordsā€ comment!


(5 a.m.) Mekoā€™s worn out from playing all night, and has kicked Milo out of the tunnel. Milo has vary graciously left me room in my chair.


Does anybody else have cats who are being treated for hyperthyroidism? Three of ours are now (Leo for the past 5 years, Mighty Mouse diagnosed in November, and Sophie diagnosed just this week). Leo and Sophie are 16 years old while Mouse is only 10. Leoā€™s thyroid function is so much worse since his November check-up that the vet is recommending radioiodine treatment at a specialist clinic in Salt Lake City!! :scream_cat:


No experience with this, but just wanted to say Iā€™m hoping for the best for you and your kitties! :purple_heart: Iā€™m in the SLC area ā€“ I didnā€™t know we had such a specialist vet here!


I swear Milo knows when its almost time to switch the laundry.


The practice is part of the VCA group and is located in Sandy. We are driving there on Monday with Leo for his treatment. He has to stay there for a week or more after the radioiodine injection to clear his system to a safe level. Then quarantine for 2 more weeks at home. He is not going to like this at all but hopefully he feels a lot better after he recovers.


Iā€™ve liked VCA, I visit one of their practices. Itā€™s so hard to do the things our cats hateā€¦ but still with the knowledge that it will hopefully help. I hope that it all goes really well for Leo, and for you! :green_heart::paw_prints:


@CatLady Good luck to Leo! I canā€™t imagine having either of ā€œmyā€ babies away from home for so long! I told Milo & Meko to keep their paws crossed for him. (Like they listen to anything that doesnā€™t involve a meal or toy!)