Fun with G7, Tandem and Apple Watch

A few weeks ago I did the software update on my pump for G7. I received the G7 sensors the day I started a G6. That one failed today so I thought I’d use the first G7. Ho Ho!

When I chose G7 on the pump it said I needed a software update. Whaaat I did that. Called Tandem support, after a long wait, I was told that for some reason the update was incomplete.

Log into the updater with the code. That when quickly no removing the cartridge nonsense.

I had also installed the new Dexcom G 7 app. I installed the sensor with the over patch ok. It was left arm, not sure how my non dominant hand will do on the right arm.

Now came the fun with the Apple Watch 6. It was the correct version, but the Dexcom app didn’t show, connect to watch. I had to delete Dexcom Connect (G6) on my phone. Delete the G7 app on the watch. It all came up.

On the plus side the BG reading on the watch is back at the original size and not the ultra fine font.

I haven’t tested if it’s direct to watch, yet.


You know it’s always something with us Ds we are ones that have to tinker with this thing or that thing. We don’t believe in that old saying if it ain’t broke don’t fix it nor do we believe in leave well enough alone :grin: We always & I do mean always what it to be better :joy:

Best wishes for you with your new stuff.


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I will be pleased if the G7 consistently last 10 days.



me three I am way past me too :wink:


Sounds like quite a bit of effort to upgrade to G7! I have a Apple watch v4 which I hope Dexcom G7 supports! I purchased 3 G7 sensors online just to test out before I make the prescription switch. I will see how they do once they arrive!


It’s really easy but you do have to delete G6 app after you load the G7 app & you are up & running or you will get that nasty you closed your app alarm. Actually I would recommend running the G6 for a while once you start up the G7. You then compare the two then switch over your pump app to the G7. Make sure your watch is running then delete the G6 app.

Cheers :smiley:


If you have to delete the G6 app, how can you run both G6 and G7 for a while?

Also, another question … A few years ago when I upgraded my phone, I actually deleted by G6 app after the upgrade and reinstalled it. This inadvertently deleted all of my Apple Health BGs! Do you know if there is a way to keep the BGs in Apple Health created from G6? I guess it isn’t a big deal because I don’t often look at history in Apple Health, but just curious!! Thanks for your thoughtful feedback!


My bad. You would not delete the G6 until you will no longer use it.

You can keep both apps & run them in tandem. When I got the G7 I had quite a few G6 sensors left so after I got use to the G7 I would run it for the time & then put the G6 on a couple of hours before the 7 would expire, should note the 7 has a 12 hour grace period. I would then swap back & forth. I did delete the app I was not using. At that time I was not interested in keep data in Apple Health.

Doing this from memory but when you delete the app you may be able to keep the app in your library & just off your screen, maintaining your data. Hopefully this way you would not get alarms. There must be a way to keep you data for Apple Health but I am sorry to say I don’t know how.

Edit: quick note maybe you can quit sharing data with Apple prior to deleting the app. Note sure if then data would remain in Apple. Looking a bit further on the subject.

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Thanks, @SobeiT, for the details on running both G6 and G7. I will try that, too. I’m expecting delivery of the G7 next week. I will be happy to have a reduced warmup period and am hoping readings will be comparable to G6.

You are welcome.

I am changing my G7 tonight. I pre-warm my senor by putting it on 25 minutes before stopping the old. Only wait 5 minutes for it to go live. I really like that.

I tried looking around about the Apple Heath I have not found anything yet. I am seeing a lot of ways to delete data but nothing to save or protect it besides backing up to icloud. I have seen some information that leads me to believe if you un-share the app first before you delete it you should not lose data but that is not for sure so be careful on any data you don’t want to lose.


Oh, thanks for this tip! I will do the same!!

Thank you for your help on this!! I am not 100% sure it will still delete the data, as this was a few years ago. Good tip on un-sharing the app first. I will be careful! Like you, I won’t delete G6 'til I am 100% committed to G7 which means a new prescription from my Dr!


You can also do the same thing in reverse put the G6 on 2 hours before taking off the G7. That work really well for me.

:grin: go ahead & have the endo write the script now :+1:


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I take this as an endorsement of G7! Good to hear!!!

Well it still is a Dexcom… :slightly_smiling_face:


@SobeiT I just checked Apple Health It still shows all the BG data. When I deleted the G6 App, I got a pop up that all data saved in Health would be deleted. :person_shrugging:

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Interesting the warning & then data was still there. Did you un-share before deleting the G6 app?


According to reddit the G7 can lose it’s accuracy doing a pre-soak. I was interested in pre-soaking at the 12 hour grace period but I am going to hold off & investigate. careful how long you pre-soak the sensor. The screen shot is from a parallel universe. This was done 1:40 minutes before expiration of old. I think pre-soaking within 30 minutes of replacement is safe.

Just to note the reading is accurate but that tailing down & back thing is just weird.

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Thanks, @CarlosLuis, good to know about the G6 data deletion when removing G6 app!

Thanks, @SobeiT re G7 presoaking and informative graph. I also read that expiration time count down starts as soon as one inserts the G7. I think that means that the presoaking subtracts from the expiration date. Not an issue for a 30 minute soak.

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I confirmed this to be true. I wouldn’t mind losing some of the grace period to get better readings but I am finding that is not the case. I will stay with inserting the sensor 20-25 minutes before stopping old. Will only be without readings for 5-10 minutes.


Yes, the G7’s timer starts on insertion not on pairing and activation. I also tried the “presoak” thing with it but it doesn’t seem to make any difference to accuracy – in fact, the inaccuracy peak for me is about 8-10 hours after insertion (i.e., usually overnight).