Dexcom G7 on Apple watch

Very exciting to have another option for direct to watch cgm.


Long time coming, I actually switched over to iphones way back in 2017 because Dex had announced they were going to support direct to watch. Since that announcement we’ve had the SSW3 come and go, Bluejay GTS. Better late than never?


This is a great feature! So much more convenient to tap my watch to get a reading than reaching in my pocket and pulling out my iPhone.


I updated the G7 app on my iPhone last night and it now supports direct-to-Apple Watch! (I’m in the United States — I know it’s been available in some other countries already.)


I installed the G7 (2.2.0) app around 15 days ago. When I attempted to do the direct to watch, the option was not present. Thanks to @ned I went back to the App Store and there was an update to 2.2.1. I updated it on my phone and behold there was the direct to watch. I had to delete the app on my watch and reload it from the phone. It works now. I left my phone in the house and spent about 15 minutes outside. ALL GOOD. or as we used to say at NASA AOK!

I have a big complaint with Dexcom. Their instructions just say to go to the app on phone, connections and select direct to watch. They could at least mention that version 2.2.0 and earlier don’t work.


When I go to the App Store and look up the G7 app, the only option it gives me is to open the app (which I downloaded only three days ago.)
Does that mean I have the most up to date version? I don’t know how to see the version number of the app on my phone. I’m not seeing a direct to watch option under connections.
Also, the email I got from Dexcom made it seem like only newly shipped G7s would have the direct to watch capability (as well as stronger Bluetooth). Is that wrong? My G7s were shipped a while ago. They’re the kind that are compatible with Tandem pumps.


In the G7 app tap the profile button on the bottom right, then in the support section down the page tap “about.”


That’s another bug. To see UPDATE in the store I had to click on click on the app not OPEN. Then I got an UPDATE button.


Thank you both so much.
I was back in 2.2,0 land and I updated.
I’d be all set except my Apple Watch is Series 4 and direct to watch requires Series 6 or later. Oh, well, I’ll wait for a sale and then fulfill my duty as a consumer and buy a newer model. It’s been a few years. The truth is I like buying shiny new stuff, but the watch I have is perfectly good and it seems a shame to replace stuff that works…but, consume I must!


@TTnyc When I first got the G6 I had a Garmin Fenix 3 HR watch that was great. There’s a Dexcom widget that will display BG on Garmin. It works fine on my bike computer but when I was checking on the watch Garmin helpfully routed me to a page of watches and their prices - how sweet :star_struck:

I was in Sam’s Club and there was the Apple Watch 6 at a good price. I’m amazed that G7 works on it.

I still like the Garmin only had to charge once a week and it’s more friendly to other companies cycling sensors.


Not to encourage over consumption but…. Apple Watch series 9 is 90$ off at Costco until the 16th. I’ve been debating an upgrade as well.


@CarlosLuis et al, I did likewise dling the app with no D2W, then saw the ad on NPR yesterday and got an email from Dexcom today talking about its release in the US. I went and looked and no Direct to Watch available (no auto-update). I checked the version (2.2.0), then headed to the App Store and found version 2.2.1; the description said “Bug fixes and performance enhancements” nothing like “Direct to Watch”, but it was issued yesterday. On a chance it contained the update, I dl’d it. Took a bit of time to install, several minutes (but I’m at the cabin, all of 12 mbps DSL service). When done, voila, Direct to Watch is there! Not sure how much I’ll notice it, I tend to keep my iPhone on built clip with me, but we’ll see….


My phone is usually on me, but sometimes I leave it in the house when I’m doing my few daily chores. Then I look at my watch and no reading BOO! Not a big deal.

Now I’m still waiting for Apple to show Dexcom in exercise mode. When I workout with my personal trainer the phone is videoing me for her.


Their new ad is pretty cool though…




Apple Watches are historically released every September. If you’re interested in the latest and greatest, then you might want to wait until then. If you’re interested in deals, then you might start finding more and more deals as September approaches, especially on older versions. (The latest version is 9, and Apple sometimes sells a couple previous versions through non-Apple outlets like Costco, Best Buy, etc.) The current version my be on sale from Apple at a discount for a couple months after the new one is released.

This page shows deals on the current version of the watch: Apple Deals: The Best Discounts on Apple Products


Thanks so much. Yes, I got a good deal on the 4 shortly after the 5 came out in 2019.
I don’t think I’ll last the summer, though, without caving in and buying. I’m looking forward to paddle boarding wearing just the watch (and swimming trunks, rest assured!) I know I could bring my phone with me in a waterproof bag but there’s something about being out on the water with my phone that sort of makes me nervous that it’s going to sink to the bottom of the lake.


Not sure if it’s directly related to turning on Dexcom’s direct to watch, but once I activated “direct to watch” it now runs out of battery about 2 hours before I usually go to bed and put in on the charger, no change in time I get up and put the watch on. It used to be I had battery to spare at the end of the day. It may be coincidence… Anyone else notice this that’s recently changed over?


Does anyone know if the direct to watch feature is any more reliable than the direct to phone and phone to Apple Watch method most of us are used to? It irritates me that when I look at my Apple Watch face, the dexcom g7 complication usually just reads “—“ and I have to tap it and wait a few seconds before I can see my reading. I’m using an older Apple Watch that is not compatible with direct to watch and contemplating an upgrade. If glancing at the watch face to get a reading is reliable with direct to watch, it would make the decision a lot easier.

Apple Watch 6 is compatible with direct to watch. The best thing with G7 is the complication is back at a reasonable size. About a year ago after a watch update it was so small as to be impossible to read.

Direct to watch seems to work better than the G6 sensor to phone to watch. Whether it’s worth buying a new watch, well that may or may not be true.