Free Dexcom tape from tech support

Yep, I have Flexfix in my closet as well and I cut off slices sometimes to help peeling sides of my DexTape. The dimensions of the Flexfix offer hardly no extra coverage and we like to use our sensors for 2 weeks, so we love to have a big area of “extra” coverage around the sensor tape.

I keep sensors on for 30 days on average (basically as long as they’ll possibly last), though it does require extra taping every so often.

I’ve never tried a larger area of tape.


Wow, I hope we can do this one day! We would keep ours on that long if not for the noise that begins around the 2 week period. You are able to keep 1 sensor on for a whole month without losing data points? That’s incredible.

Oh, no. I lose lots of data, at least with the G4 (might be better with the G5 or G6). Sometimes I go days with no reliable data. I just put up with it because each sensor costs $90, since I have no insurance coverage for CGM. So I don’t pull it unless I go several days with consistent unreliability despite restarting several times. On the days without reliable data, it’s back to testing 10-12 times a day. I would say most of these data-free days happen after week three.

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I realize this is an old thread, but I just found this on Etsy for G6 users (sadly, not me). I is supposed to help with adhesion and overpatch changes. Premade they can be [found.on Etsy] (, or for those with access to a 3d printer, they can [make their own.] (

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I’m going to start putting down tegaderm first then punching the Dexcom right through it… hopefully the Dexcom adhesive will stick to the tegaderm better than it does to oily skin


Just to add on to this old thread, I’m very happy with my Skin Grip tape which I heard about in some other thread here. It’s about $1.25 per patch:

I realize different tape works for different people…


We’ve been using the free tape and it seems to be working for us. I guess EH calls them enough that we just add it to the list of things to mention. :rofl: I was thinking last night I wish they’d just make the actual adhesive on the sensor work though!

Good to know about Skin Grip, also!

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curious the learning of issues.

Not sure punching the sensor probe (needle + sensor probe itself) might not pickup something on the way through the tape then transferring it to the actual probe as it’s pushed into place. That might result in data issues? maybe? Or even infection/increased irritation from whatever the sensor needle picks up punching through the tape.

I really am curious how it goes.

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I suppose it’s possoble… I had the same concerns when I’d heard of other people doing that… but I inadvertently poked the needle out of the last sensor I put on before I had it attached to my skin… seeing how long and slender it is I really couldn’t picture that happening—- so I decided to give it a try next time


So happy this tread is here. I’ve had interesting adventures with the sensor tape since starting just this year.

First sensor refused to let go…it actually hurt to remove but that’s fine if it atuck so well. And i thought people with tape issues were smoking the bad stuff…oops… I was wrong…hahaha

After that first sensor no end of adhesion issues. I don’t perspire, i sweat. That seems an issue at times. About half of my sensors stayed stuck. Didn’t always call for replacement because, well, i didn’t feel like dealing with…the people at Dexcom are great so not knocking them just the frustration of having to call every 3-5 days. I figured they’d tell me no more you are doing something wrong and we’re tired of sensing replacements. :wink:

This non-stick is a prob for me with anything they try and stick to me. Even cardiac monitor leads even after shaving me until i looked like a 12yr old boy…

I’m going to try the SkinTac (??) above and see.


Just put on my first Skin Grip (actually my husband put it on for me, tough to twist around to the back of my arm :laughing:) in anticipation of restarting my G6 sensor today. And boy howdy, is it sticky! My last sensor stayed on by itself through 20 days but like clockwork on the 21st all the adhesive came off all at once. This Skin Grip looks like a tank!
Handy to put on because the non-sticky part you pull off is divided into 4 quarters so you just pull off 2 and put it on, then pull off the other 2 and pat it down. That way the adhesive doesn’t get all stuck to itself. The hole in the middle is cut to fit the shape of the transmitter. It says wait an hour before showering or getting it wet, and good to go. It covers the original patch by a wide margin.
Hope no skin reaction. :crossed_fingers:It may be a bear to get off! :grin:


For those that may still be ordering these, you can now submit a request online. Note that you have to manually reorder each month:


Thanks for reminder, I’ve been meaning to reorder. They denied my last request since I think I was a few days early for reorder.

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@DaveJ thank you so much for posting this! It’s such a pain to have to phone Dexcom solely to order the overpatches and I (thankfully!) have not had to deal with their customer service lately (although I used to request that they send me 2 packages of overpatches at a time and they would and they would last quite awhile). I really like the overpatches and a note on adhesiveness that has worked for me - I really clean my arm well with rubbing alcohol before putting a new sensor on and all adhesive seems to work a lot better for me than without the rubbing alcohol scrub down. I also only put the overpatch on once the sensor fabric patch-thing starts coming up. And I do another rubbing alcohol scrub down then.


I have made it a practice to order overpatch every 30 days whether I need it or not. :slight_smile: They allow (at least in our case) 1 order every 30 days so I have about 5 packs saved up now and every 30 days, I just put in a new order. I fill the online form out (takes 30 seconds) and the patches arrive in the mailbox in a week to 10 days.