Combined years?

You have no idea how much beer I can drink…


I can stomach a lot. LOL I come from the south, for some reason the southern culture has been slow to develop a taste for wine. Things are changing maybe there is hope for us rednecks.

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I can only imagine the contraption you would have wired/tubed/IV’d to your body that would handle the liquid, the sugar, the alcohol all automatically to let you keep drinking indefinitely.

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Beer is easy! It’s a slower carb compared to the other stuff. :beer:

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If I’m allowed to round up by six weeks, I have 26 years to add. I think that makes the total 530.


Fantastic! I vote to round up, since in a couple of weeks we won’t need to.

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Just joined today.

I’ll add my 52 years to make it 582.


@MM2, awesome! Welcome to the forum, so glad to see you here! I have you have more years since diagnosis than anyone in this forum!

My son is 12 (he is a member here) and was diagnosed a couple of years ago. He gets really inspired by the stories of people w many years of D – @Eric is a model for him. So I hope he’ll get a chance to read your story!

[Edit] Oops, just found it in the other thread, really great!

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Wow, congrats on being crowned the new most senior member!

@docslotnick, we are now like newbies all over again!


I was lurking when Beacher joined, and decided to wait a few days before I overtook the lead.
It won’t be long before someone surpasses me, I know they are out there and they inspire me.

Actually, I think I learn more from the newbies, and/or younger crowd. You seem to be the first to get the newer products, or inventive ways to use the old. Sometimes I’m too set in my ways, and thus still using a MM523 pump !

One of these days I might get my nightscout/APS set up. Have all the pieces, but no time.

thanks for the welcome !


7 posts were split to a new topic: Auto-syringes and early pumps/ CGMs

when is this gathering and where does it take place. i want “in!”


PS: i have 30+ yrs since dx , 1987. but i think that i already posted that. i was just remembering that it happened during my first marriage to a numbskull who was no better than my imbecile endo. :wink:

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Didn’t they tell you? It’s at your house next weekend.


yeah, like that will happen :wink:

BTW: how many of us are there?

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if i need to put my order in now, i prefer BASS ALE.


EH is at 11 years we realized, only because of this forum. We’ve been saying 10 years for a while now, but turns out, it’s 11.

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DM, you crack me up!! :smile_cat:


always happy to give a good chuckle :smile:


That brings us to 593, Awesome!


Adding my 42 brings the total to 635, cheers!