A diary of my journey managing blood glucose on chemotherapy

Sending good vibes and love to you both. :pray: :cat2:


Best thoughts and wishes to you! Lots of peopleā€¦some you donā€™t knowā€¦are in your corner expecting a good result!

Btw, great restraint one the bbq! Iā€™m with @Eric, Iā€™d have bailed or failed!


Am thinking of you today CL! Please keep us posted when you are feeling up to it. Also sending love to your sweet kitty (my younger daughter cat-sat for our neighbors last weekend and we had so much fun with the kitties! Older daughter is allergic so we canā€™t keep them at home :frowning: ). For clear diets I discovered Italian ices are also covered, which is a treat that I quite enjoy! But hopefully when you are reading this youā€™ll be back to the land of Texas BBQ, etc! xoxo


Best wishes, @CarlosLuis ! And extra pets for your adorable guardian familiar Sheelah :smiley_cat:


Best wishes on the big dayšŸ™ Sheelah is a beauty. She looks in charge of things and will want you home asap!


Iā€™m getting out or here today. The care was great and the meals minus 1 were acceptable. Not as good as the BBQ I miss out on.

Theyā€™ve been feeding me what would be a normal diet not the bland diet I was expecting.

I was able to keep my pump on throughout the ordeal. Hereā€™s a picture of the log they had me fill out for yesterday.

I slowly increased basal to what it was as I ate more and chemo.


I like how you patiently filled out 1.7, 1.7, 1.7, 1.7, 1.7ā€¦and then eventually just said ā€œscrew itā€ and drew the arrow to fill in the rest of them.

Congrats on getting out!



@CarlosLuis That looks GREAT!! Iā€™m glad you were allowed to keep the pump (assume a CGM too?)!! I think the medical community is SLOWLY learning that we who have lived with this disease and these devices for years may know what theyā€™re talking about and some of the protocols the doctors and hospitals have been enforcing for years are bupkis! Anyway, now for your continued recovery and good results!! :grin: :grin:


Congratulations, so glad you are back home! I hope the recovery goes smoothly and you are able to get back to cycling soon.


Have been thinking of you, @CarlosLuis. Do we have confirmation that you are now home? Hoping you are resting and recuperating and dreaming/plotting/scheming of the quickest way to get back to biking! I did a nice little peloton looking out at rainy/snowy skies this morning in your honor! Sending you strong healing thoughts and energy xoxo


Hi @JessicaD Iā€™m not home but in Houston because I have a lot of follow up appointments. Home health nurse is coming in the morning to check incision, vitals, blood draw and infuse some saline.

Iā€™m comfortable. I rented a lift chair because I was in danger of harming myself getting out of bed. I got no core no more.

Yesterday was a great day, today Iā€™ve been chilled and a bit dizzy. No fever, good BP, BG, HR and O2. I just restarted Farxiga, Iā€™m going to stop it again. It can cause lightheadedness.

Will take it up with the nurse tomorrow.

Thanks for thinking of meā€‹:star2::heart::star2::heart::grinning:


Iā€™m recovering well at my auntā€™s house in Houston. Iā€™ve been snuggling up under the gift blanket, it gives me comfort as well as warmth, thanks very much.

Much to my surprise I wasnā€™t put on a bland diet, just regular whatever that means. I do have 3 boost drinks per day as a between meal dose of protein.

3 times per week home health visits for to check vitals, infuse a bag of saline :man_shrugging:
Iā€™ve been able to walk .8 to .9 miles daily. Yesterday I had a PT evaluation, passed 100% and we walked my usual. Later after a rather large lunch I did another walk.

The earlier walks would leave me a bit winded, but that seems to have passed.

BG doing pretty good considering I am not on my regular diet.


Thanks, Carlos, for keeping us updated! Iā€™m sure glad you are on a ā€œregularā€ diet, and able to do walks. Glad to hear the walks are becoming more normal, too! Hugs! :hugs:


@CarlosLuis Thanks very much for the update and very glad youā€™re doing well! Glad the blanket is comforting and ā€œcongratsā€ on whatever a ā€œregularā€ diet is!! Please keep up the progressā€¦you inspire the rest of us!


So glad to hear from you and that you are making good progress! :smiley_cat:


So glad you are doing well and improving, CL! And great news on the non-bland diet and all of the walking youā€™re able to do. Keep it up and keep us posted xoxo


For pretty much anything a person is going through, doctors always say, ā€œMake sure you stay well hydratedā€¦ā€

So I guess they are not messing around!

Itā€™s great that you are walking and eating regular food! :+1:


Thank you for keeping us updated. You are an inspiration in how well you are managing. :pray:


You are definitely an inspiration for me! Keep on keeping on! Iā€™ve hit a low spot mentally the past couple weeks, but hearing what youā€™re doing is good for me. Time for me to pick myself up! Thanks!


Well,Sally, youā€™ve made my day. The beauty of fudiabetes is how we lift each other up. Of the other diabetes forums I follow this one is the most welcoming and supportive.

Back on the subject of good blood glucose management during treatment, I must confess, Iā€™m eating food that was on my forbidden list and using way more insulin.

I have been craving chicken fried steak ( tenderized round steak in an egg/flour batter) smothered with white gravy and a loaded backed potato. But itā€™s a dream. I would have to do a massive bolus with several corrections.
