A diary of my journey managing blood glucose on chemotherapy

I understand. I’m quite simila regarding complulsive bg control and go to control methods being diet and exercise.

I’m so hoping that you feel up to walking. Walking always drops my BGs even just short walks. I hope this will be the case for you!


I hear you. Wishing one of us was there each day to scoop you out of your house and take you for a peaceful walk. I went nuts over a similar diet for four damn days when I was approaching my first colonoscopy. One food that I was happy to be able to include was avocado – is that on your list? Possibly mango as well? Sending a big hug.



In the last few years I’ve only used 4u Afrezza cartridges and am glad they sell boxes of 90 with 4u only cartridges.


I toally get it. I know Trying gets it too!!! I went swimmihng today. Everything was going well this morning with one very low glitch (BG 41). But i got myself up to 88 and was all psyched to get to the pool. just before i was leaving the house, i did a finger stick and my sugars had spiked (couldnt figure out why) to 160!!! OMG. I raced like a freaking lunatic to get to the pool and try and use up some of that high glucose. I know that this was NOT a cortisol spike. I was relaxed and looking forward to my swim. When i got to the pool, my sugars had come down to 145 and i jumped in ASAP. After my swim, i landed at 108, which is actually high for me, but i still felt fantastic and really, thats all that matters. When i got home my BGs had come down to 77, and i felt like myself again. If my sugars go above 120, i am ripping my hair out.

keep up all the great work youre doing to take such good care of yourself. You deserve it and never forget that :+1: :star_struck:

PS: You are NOT alone. I am a control freak too. And i have been dx with OCD since i was in high school.


Bureaucratic stress in dealing with administrative incompetence trying to get a CT scan ASAP.

My urologist/surgeon is in Houston,TX.On the 12th he’s going to take a look in my bladder to see how well the chemo did. This is an outpatient procedure. He also wanted a CT scan of chest, abdomen and pelvic area with and without contrast done before the 12th.

His assistant tried to send the order to my local hospital (both owned by CHI) and was unable to do it. He called me and asked if I would open it up from their portal and take it to the local hospital. Not a problem, thinks I.

I arrive at the hospital about 7:40AM and go right to imaging with my copy of the order. These people are really nice. They said I will have to call scheduling to get in the queue.

I go out in the lobby and call scheduling and fell into the 9 circles of Hell.These people are no local, iin fact are probably an ocean and continent away. She finally finds my order and says it requires authorization by the doctor’s office. She said the number she dialed is bad. It’s the same number I have and it works for me.

Without that I would have to pay out of pocket. I said, How much? It’s the law you have to tell me. We don’t know. I will transfer you to those that do, Oh and BTW we will schedule the scan for Jan 12. No, I will be in Houston on the 12th.

I find out that the cost without insurance is nearly $800. OK fine, I call back sheduling and now the can set me up for Monday the 8th.

I was 2.5 hours in the hospital before I could leave.

My patience was worn to a frazzle and my BG has been running high.

The health care system (that’s an oxymoron) in the US is a horrendous time waster. Medical records were suppose to be easily electronically transferred between hospitals, clinics and doctor’s offices, Well in my experience that doesn’t work. They use old school FAX machines.

I have to get a CD of the CT scan and hand carry it to Houston for the urologist to review.

I spent most of my life working in telecommunications. Our unofficial but no less true motto was, “Communications is our product, that’s way we can’t have any.” This lack of efficient communications when dealing with medical records is worse than any interdepartmental lack of communications I ever experience in my former industry.

Rant over - BG still running high at 161 5 hours postprandial, time for another correction.

Thanks y’all for letting me ramble on.


Terrible experience, no wonder your BG is high. I agree with you totally. Same here in NY. Images need to be hand carried on CD by the patient, and of course, the patient is charged for the CD and its generation, all out of pocket. Yep, pre auths are also fax only!

Glad you were finally able to get an appt for the scan, but my goodness, what a lot of frustration! Good luck next week!


@CarlosLuis I’m right there with ya!! My doc wanted some imagery (ultrasound). He’s with LMG (local medical conglomerate) and recommended (surprise) the LMG Imaging that just opened across the street from him. I went there thinking this will be easy, go here, doc can pull it up on the LMG system. Was I wrong! Turned out LMG Imaging is LMG in name only, actually run by a separate hospital conglomerate not on the LMG system and no plans to be. I had to go to the location, pick up the CD/DVD with imaging on it, and take it across the street to the doc! Also found out my current doc, on the LMG system, uses the “Healow” (how the heck do you pronounce that!) app with one “standard” of medical records. My Endo is with Inova (another medical conglomerate) which uses the “MyChart” app and a different “standard” of medical records. I found recently they’ve been duplicating blood work and each wanted to get the lab results from the other…the only way was to reduce to paper and fax it to them for re-keying the info, though each system supposedly txfer the info electronically (not even their respective help desks could figure out how!)! Yeah, like I’m going to trust some fat-fingering of the info! Whatagooseitis! Yep, so much for ease of medical records transfer!

Best of luck with your appt and good results!


I had a more complete CT scan Monday the 8th. It was with oral barium and IV contrast of the chest, abdomen and pelvic area. I read the radiologist’s report and if I understand correctly it is GREAT. The mass seen in the last scan is no longer present. I don’t know exactly what this means by lymph glands are almost imperceivable.

It appears that the DD MVAC chemo really did its job. This doesn’t mean no surgery, but perhaps reduces or eliminates the possible spread of cancer cells during the surgery…

This is a relief.

My weight has remained steady, I have been eating much more than usual with higher TDD of insulin. I will have the results of my quarterly labs done for my endo today or tomorrow, but this image from Clarity shows my GMI is higher than my usual, but not bad at 6.1%

Just got an email from the lab, some results are in. Everything looks good. HbA1c is 6.0%up 0.5% from 90 days ago.

I’m still in the tunnel, but there is a light at the end, and I don’t think it is an oncoming train.


@CarlosLuis Sounds like a good news story, cautious “Congrats!” Here’s hoping your interpretation is on target and bodes well for the rest of your efforts!


Wow, this is great to hear! Your Clarity graph looks amazing, too!


Thinking of you as you go through this treatment. Sending positive thoughts your way.


Saw my endo today, he’s mightily impressed with my numbers following Chemo. The 1st 18 months on this pump my A1c was 6.0% flat. The next 2 quarters 5.6 & 5.5%. Lab last week I was back at 6%.


It’s impressive by itself, but dealing with chemo makes it even more amazing! Great job!





The big test is starting Jan 22, surgery followed by a low residue bland diet that looks to be high carb low fiber and fat.

Other good news, the tissue biopsy from last Friday, no cancer present. That’s what Dr Learner was wanting, should reduce or eliminate any cancer cells getting loose during the surgery.

I love you all​:heart::star2::heart::star2::heart::star2::grinning:


You are amazing, @CarlosLuis , seriously amazing. !!!xoxo!!!


Good thing I shaved my head so my hat just almost fits.


I washed and dried the blanket ok take with me. It looks fine gentle cold wash gentle dry.


Tomorrow’s the big day I am on a clear liquid diet. Mostly I’m sipping on some yucky Gaterade with a reduced basal rate.

So far so good. Here’s a12 hour screenshot.

The worst was going to a BBQ restaurant with my relatives, boy did it smell divine as I sipped on a glass of tea.

Now that it is close to surgery day, I confess to being more than a bit anxious.

Oh, and @CatLady and other animal lovers sends some vibes to my mistress, Sheelah she can’t stand it when I am not there.


Wow, that’s some good discipline on your part. I would’ve bailed and not gone!

Sending you the best for tomorrow.
