A diary of my journey managing blood glucose on chemotherapy

@Eric , @JessicaD & @TomH I appreciated the kudus. I have been spinning nearly every day in front of the TV. The second week after my 1st treatment I rode with the group, but not the Saturday in the same week. ( I hope that makes some sort of sense) There was no way, too weak and I was cold sensitive.

That new old bike was whispering to me, “Oh please, take me out on the road. I just want to roll!”

This week following an infusion has been better, I took one anti nausea pill on Wednesday night and none after that. My stomach has been slightly uneasy, but not awful. “So, nameless bicycle, we will see what we can do.” I do need a name for the bike. I always name them.

I rode with a friend who has been jet setting around for his work, Brazil, France, Chile and San Diego. He said the food was incredible and has gained 20 pounds. So Juan and I keep each other company.

That makes it all good, having the company of a friend. Alone, maybe I would have done 6 miles and called it a day.

It is the camaraderie of FU that makes the forum work. All of us journeying together, needing help or receiving it. Bless you all, everyone.

Oh and I am still eating cheesecake, and thanks to the gift basket y’all sent, I found I can eat apples without BG problems. I LOVE apples! :apple: :apple: :apple:

Edit- my love of cycling so far overcomes any weaknesses so far. My runner oncologist encourages me to do as much exercise as I can. Next week I will do a couple of workouts with my trainer. Doc has approved biceps triceps and shoulder press no rows, chest press or flies. The restrictions have to do with the port.

I have been cycling regularly since I was diagnosed with type 2 33 years ago and doing strength training for 5. I don’t like breaking the habits just because of new circumstances. I’m not as able but can still move.


Had labs and a consult with the oncology nurse practitioner. Blood counts good and hope the kidney test will be as well. I thought I had 2 more infusion but only 1, yea!

Both my oncologist and the NP are impressed at how well I am doing. They think it might be that I continue to exercise, even when I don’t feel like it - a good habit.


Kidney function and electrolytes normal :+1: :mega::smiley_cat:


I had my last infusion on Tuesday the 19th. I spent yesterday doing some fun stuff and getting a shot to boost blood cells. Thursdays have been rough all 3 times, tired and queasy. Any way this image is the best I can do showing my BG management on Tuesday. The peak is 156mg/dl.

The syringe with the clock is Lantus.

Now for a late breakfast of a chopped apple, cottage cheese and a Boost.


Wow, you are amazing! That’s an awesome graph under any circumstance!! I hope this Thursday you’ll feel better!!


I am really pleased with how the chemo has went. I was really worried about the steroid. It did cause a spike but was manageable. I think the use of Lantus along with C-IQ has been a big help. My oncologist (a runner) thinks my continuing to exercise may be responsible for lessening the side effects of the chemo drugs.

The next big challenge is going to be after surgery. It requires a portion of the small intestine, which will cause issues with food. Bland diet, low fiber and several small meals per day. Sounds like fun, let’s hope I can keep my BG levels reasonably in range.

BTW after my breakfast, my stomach is better.


I thought this pic might bring you cheer. These two drinking water are the guard dogs where I run. They are Maremmano-Abruzzese Sheepdogs. Stunningly beautiful and hardworking dogs!

So glad you are feeling better today after eating!


I meant to post this picture of me taken by Joe the nurse.


I agree w @Trying, your numbers are great! Beat my normal after meal swings (insufficient pre-blousing! I have trouble with that!). Good to see you’re using the blanket, too! Here’s hoping for continued good progress!!


I’m more than a bit OCD when it comes to BG. I think adding Lantus on infusion day as suggested by my endo has really helped keep those steroid spikes reasonable. Afrezza would have been great if my insurance covered it.

The Chemo effect on BG has been strange. Insulin sensitivity and resistance rocking back and forth.

The post surgery bland low fiber diet, combined with unable to exercise as usual, may be more of a BG challenge than the chemo.


I have mentioned that in the 2 weeks after an infusion that my insulin sensitivity/resistance is like a seesaw. So yesterday I was celebrating a post Christmas, post nausea with lunch and dinner with traditional tamales.

Tamales especially homemade are difficult to bolus as it is mostly guesswork. The bolus for the 3 I had for lunch worked perfectly. I increased the bolus a bit more because I ate 4 for dinner.

I wasn’t able to do my after dinner spin because my BG started falling like a stone.

We all know about insulin stacking, well I food stacked. I did not go to my usual, glucose tablets but just more food. This required 2 corrections to get BG down when it finally decided to rise FAST.

One difference that may have contributed to the low at dinner and not at lunch, I had one of @daisymae ‘s Boost Glucose Control drinks with lunch. There were no more in the fridge.

As to my continuing treatment, I have a consultation via video with the surgeon on 1/4/24 with an outpatient procedure in Houston on the 5th. I hope to know when the surgery will be done.

If I am able, I will report how the bland, low fiber diet of multiple small meals will affect my BG management.

Oh, a question about the blanket. @Eric or whoever knows, can it be laundered? No tags on it. I want to take it with me to the hospital when I have the surgery, and it should be washed and dried.


Hi @CarlosLuis!
I just checked the site from where it was ordered. It says that it can be machine washed.

I would do it cold and gentle though, just to be safe. :crossed_fingers:


Thanks that’s what i thought.


It’s about a dollar a dose, cash pay ($100 per box of 90) last time I bought it. Expensive, but sometimes worth it.


How quickly does Afrezza hit? I am thinking about giving it a try. And where do you purchase it w/o insurance? Thanks!


I start to see the effect in the CGM graph in 15 minutes. It’s pretty much finished in 75 minutes. The effective strength is about 2/3 of Humalog, so if I would have taken an 8 unit rage bolus, I’ll take a 12u Afrezza inhalation. That’s actually the only size I use, because if I want a smaller bolus, probably I can get it done with the Novolog.

For pricing and purchase options, see Paying for Your Prescription & Pharmacy Assistance | Afrezza

In particular, if you are looking for cash-pay, that web page says “MannKind also offers a direct purchase program. You may be eligible to get Afrezza® for as little as $99/month. For more information, please contact our patient support team at Afrezza Assist 1-844-323-7399, Monday-Friday 8am-8pm ET.”


@CarlosLuis I think an excursion as described should be forgiven and allowed considering what you’ve been thru! Sounds like you have it under control!

I noted the advice on washing your blanket; if you use a dryer, may I recommend using the air setting vice heat or at least a low heat level (if selectable). It’s often the heat of dryer that causes shrinkage of cloth. Best of wishes for the event on the 5th! May your results so far be continue right thru…


I cant begin to tell you how utterly impressed i am that you are continuing to exercise during your treatment. I know how you read my thread about my swimming and how you supported me while i recovered from my spinal surgeries. There was just no way i could exercise. The pain and discomfort i was in was unbearable.

Today was my first day back in the pool post virus and another spinal steroidal ablation.Also, having my arteries cleaned out and the stints put in my heart). It was a long, frustrating wait for me, but OMG, it was Heaven.

You continue to impress me, and I am always appreciative of your continued support.



Ditto Daisymae we can be a mutual appreciation society. So glad you’re able to get in the water.


Most here have figured out that I am more than a little compulsive about maintaining near normal BG.

After surgery I will be on a bland :face_vomiting: diet, low fiber, low fat, lean protein and easy digested carbs. To create the perfect insulin resistant type 2, just very easy walking.

My 2 constant tools for BG management have been diet and exercise.

This has me more stressed than cancer or chemo.

I’m not tearing my hair out over it, but I guess I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to blood glucose.

Thanks for reading.