Prednisone tips

Perhaps this should be in the diabetes tips, but here it is. I’ve been on immunotherapy for nearly a year and developed the classic itchy rash. It’s the most annoying side effect but the least dangerous.
Anyway it’s becoming progressively worse. Both my oncologist and I tried to avoid oral prednisone knowing it would jack my BG through the roof.

I’ve not adjusted my Tandem pump settings, adding 3 daily doses of Lantus. I also do override meal bolused and corrections. If BG continues to rise I’ll bolus 2u IM.

It ain’t great but is helping.

I have 1 more infusion next week. I hope the rash is completely cleared by April. This stuff has a half-life of 24 days.

2 things the prednisone is doing 1. Increases insulin resistance. 2. Increases appetite especially for carbohydrates.

Oh 1 more edit to add- exercise is beneficial.:man_biking::muscle:


@CarlosLuis Sorry you’re going thru that! Would one of us knew a way around it, but I’d probably have asked you. If you find a method that helps (like the exercise mentioned), please post and let us know for others benefit. Is the prednisone long term or hopefully just during the infusions?

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It’s just for 5 days. We’ve avoided it but this 2nd to last infusion caused the rash to flare really bad. I took the last dose of prednisone Thursday and have my last infusion next Thursday. I have another course if it flares bad again. Hopefully I won’t need it.

I feel for any of our tribe that has to be on long term steroids.


You don’t mention if this is an allergic reaction, or is a known side effect of the active agent in the chemo. Some small molecule targeted therapies affect skin cells causing skin issues. It sounds like (24 days) it is the active ingredient. Does the prednisone help at all?
I wonder whether Flonase + an antihistamine compounded into a thick cream and applied topically might help. Biotin supports skin/nails; eat eggs or jello.
When I have had to take prednisone packs, or injections into joints, I found that I had to increase my basel 20%.
Take care,


It’s a known reaction to immunotherapy which boosts the immune system into hyperdrive. It’s not chemo. The dangerous side effects concern the liver, kidneys and thyroid, so far all tests good.

One other thing is to cause type 1 diabetes. That may actually be in people with undiagnosed LADA/LADY and the boosted immune system more aggressively attacks the Beta cells.

I did spray some Flonase on the hot spots when I got home. It helped.


Hi @CarlosLuis,
I started prednisone today. So I am right there with you for the next 7days. :man_shrugging:


@Eric 7 days :flushed: I hope it does what it’s suppose to do without too much hyperglycemia.


No biggie, just more insulin.

Gonna crank up the base tonight!


I’m curious as to how long after your last does your TDD returns to your normal.

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I think it comes back down pretty quickly. I will let you know.

But I do not ever stop it immediately. You are supposed to taper off it, you should never stop it all at once.