A diary of my journey managing blood glucose on chemotherapy



@CarlosLuis Despite your comments looks like a nice graph with good numbers! Iā€™m sad to say I had better luck with Disney Cruise Desertā€™s (chocolate, et al), than I did with Thanksgiving pieā€™s (it was glorious tasting, but my numbers well into last night clearly showed the impact!)! Obviously, your numbers will change when you eat more than you sleep! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Enjoy them while you can and donā€™t beat yourself up if they climb!


C-1 # 5
Rather uneventful day. It seems that I am a bit more insulin sensitive the last few days, Yeah! Thatā€™s good, right.

I havenā€™t used Lantus since C-1 day.

I was a bit queasy today but didnā€™t take the anti-nausea meds because I needed to stay awake. They frown on sleeping while driving :crazy_face:

I went to Tractor Supply, the smells of tires was unsettling, but didnā€™t cause and issues.

Anyway, I ate my usual breakfast, lunch was cottage cheese and apple sauce with a Protein Plus bar, dinner was 1 soft boiled egg (supposed to be 2 but the first one I cracked was nearly raw - BOO), 2 smallish pieces of buttered rye toast and one Macintosh apple. I ate all the apples in the gift basket, they were good.

Feeling fine after eating I got in an hour of spinning in front of the TV.

All in all a good day. Friday was better, but today was just great.

I may change my basal rate back to my usual. Iā€™ve gotten night time alarms, chomping on a couple of glucose tabs to take care of it.
Woke up today at 77, FOTF rose to 117, when I ate breakfast after spinning I am siting at a solid 100.

I hope to be able to do my duty as a deacon at Mass tomorrow. Wednesday evening I have the singular pleasure of being in a room with 10 7th 8th graders. You know they are like sharks, can smell weakness like blood in the water. :joy:


Sounds like another good day! Getting a little out and about, getting exercise is always a good thing! Good thoughts for continuing on course!


C-1 # 6 Sunday

A great day all round. BG is in excellent control, and huungreey

Got another 62 minutes spinning, doesnā€™t get heart rate up much but really helps with BG.


Everything seems to be my usual normal in the 2nd week after infusion. I will not update until the next infusing next Monday, unless something noteworthy is happening.


This is fantastic to hear, @CarlosLuis! Hoping for continued boring updates (ha!) and more cycling! And on a personal note, I would love to hear more about the goat ā€“ canā€™t help but be charmed by them. xoxo


Glad to hear the T1 realm is behaving! Hereā€™s thoughts the rest works as advertised as well!


Well, I wasnā€™t going to post unless there was a change, but something happened after I closed up the house, a gift from the Magi. Just to be clear, it is tradition that names 3 Magi, but that is not really scriptural. There were at least 20 Magi who are responsible for this wonderful gift.
Beacher MM2 Bkh Chris ClaudnDaye CatLady Millz John58 daisymae JessicaD Elver Marie TomH Eric Mariethm Allison Trying Carol bostrav59 needlesandmath (BOO HOO :sob: the site wonā€™t allow by 10 names to be linked. I wanted all you good people to get notificed)

I find the box on the porch as was going out to feed Rocky (dog) and Dottie (goat), KInd of fitting as we approach Christmas with the Christ Child being born in a barn. Rocky is always glad to see me, Dottie is just glad I filled her manger.
The first thing out of the box were Pearl Izumi toe covers for my cycling shoes WOW! Thatā€™s perfect, I never wear booties unless it s sub 30Ā° F. Put them on my shoes, There were 2 sets S/M and L/XL. I will find a good home for the smaller set.

Next was a bicycle coloring book. Now thatā€™s really neat (yeah showing my age).

And the final is a big fluffy blankie customized with Carlos Luis on it.

ā€œAmen, I say to you, whatever yoou did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.ā€Matthew 25:40

I have witnessed that in action on FUDiabetes, not just to me. This is truly a unique and caring group filled with the spirit of loving kindness.

ā€œGet out of pulpit, Carlos Luis, show ā€˜em the pictures.ā€

The cats all wanted the box, Hereā€™s Manny filling it up completely with his lovable furry hugeness. The thing near the box is a DeskCycle. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been spinning on in the evenings. When I wasnā€™t allowed to pedal, I turned it into a hand cycle. But now, itā€™s back on the floor with clip on pedals.

Hereā€™s the gifts of the Magi displayed best I could. The shoes are mine, with the toe covers installed. I hope to be wearing them on the Saturday group ride.



Hi @CarlosLuis! Glad you got everything! The Elves of FUD have struck again!

I am happy to hear you will be out riding on Saturday! :star_struck:


And once againā€¦the cat wins because a new box arrived!

Glad you got the items and theyā€™ll be used! Enjoy and recover!!


I think weā€™re more like the musketeers: all for one, one for all! :person_fencing:


That works :heart:


C-2 # 1 & 2 Nov 5 & 6

Began the morning (5:30A) with BG per Dexcom of 114, Injected 7u Lantus via pen. 6:30A bolus of 2.4u Novolog by pump at 45g carbs. Arrived at the Cancer Center Dexcom reading 109mg/dl.

9:30A began the first infusion of Akenzeo (anti nausea) and Dexamethasome (steroid). Dexcom was 130mg/dl, Contour 161mg;dl - calibrated Dexcom (increase Basal rate .4u). Infusion ended at 10AM Dexcom 156mg/dl. Contour 151.

10:04 Dexcom 155m/dl no contour, began Methotrexate infusion, Ended at 10:40A Dexcom 149mg/dl, no finger stick.

10:45A Dexcom 134mg/dl Contour 131, began Vinblastin infusion. Ended at 10:58A with Dexcom 127 mg/dl, no Contour.

11:06A Dexcom 125 no Contour, began Adriamycin (Red Devil)

Itā€™s red and with eat your skin if exposed. They make you keep ice chips in your mouth to protect the mouth membranes. Ended at 11:45A with Dexcom 112mg/dl no Contour.

11:12A Lantus .7u. 11:47 4.4u bolus of Novolog for lunch of 80g carbs.

11:45A Dexcom 110mg/dl. The big long infusion Cisplatin and Mannatol. End at 2:20PM with Dexcom 150mg/dl with several trips to the restroom. The mannatol is a powerful diuretic and Cisplatin is hard on the kidneys. Drinking lots of water and they are pushing lots of saline. A good plan to protect the kidneys.

Iā€™m going to post a couple of images one from SugarMate the other from Dexcom.

You can see the delayed insulin resistance from the steroid especially on SugarMate. I peaked about 197mg/dl at 3:47P 5 hours 47 minutes after that infusion. I am still more insulin resistant .


It appears that the Dexcom took the calibaration, So I didnā€™t do a finger stick as often.

November 6, I will keep the higher basal rate on the pump and the 3 Lantus doses of 7.7, 7u and 4u, reducing basal back and decreasing the Lantus to 5u, 5u and 3u on the 8th. Thatā€™s the pattern I used last time. Dropping the Lantus on the 9th.

I had labs on Nov 4th. All good, blood count, kidney functions and electrolytes. My endo is pleased, by that and that I am continuing to exercise. We discussed upper body strength exercises with the port. She said, biceps, triceps, shoulder press OK, chest press, rows and flies - Donā€™t.

This makes my trainer a bit happier because I have made really great gains in upper body muscle gain. Not like a body builder, but really good for a velo aficionado (bike freak). Sheā€™s a runner @Eric.

When we were discussing that her male assiastant was sitting behind her while I was talking about actually having biceps and triceps. He began rubbing his considerable sized upper arms.

I said, ā€œDonā€™t be showing off, you were born with those, and we cyclist donā€™t.ā€ Doc looked around and we all had a laugh. She said itā€™s the same with us runners.

BTW- I got a new tee shirt with Mediport access. It has snaps on the right side that can be opened to give access with out having to unbutton a shirt. Works well Got it on ETSY. I really like stuff Iā€™v gotten on ETSY but I hate the ETSY website and app.


Thanks for the update! Iā€™m impressed with how well you are managing. :dove:


Sounds like youā€™ve had good results! Hope you keep it up as things progress!


Saturday C-2 # 4
Fairly uneventful, BG fairly stable. I got a bike thatā€™s been inactive for 3 years back in good shape on Wednesday. I bought it used and rebuilt it for my son who said he wanted it, but he rode it a total of 2-3 miles. So I bought it.

I used it for todayā€™s ride. I was slow but did 20 miles.
Hereā€™s a picture, omit that rear bag. I couldnā€™t position the saddle properly with it.


You are going through chemo and you did a 20 mile ride. Even if itā€™s uneventful, I think thatā€™s an incredible event!



CL, I did 9 miles on my peloton this morning and felt good about myself ā€“ you are a ROCKSTAR! So glad to hear all of this! :heart:


Iā€™m with @Eric, doing chemo and a 20 mile ride (slow is relative and you still did it) is amazingly good, if not great! Not many have the endurance and capability! Good on ya!