C- Day #1 November 21.2023 Cancer Clinic, Bryan, TX
A modification of Lantus using the protocol that worked so well when I was on MDI, divided into 3 parts - 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. It roughly 40%, 40% and 20%. I increased the total by 3u total. I have been told this cannot work, but hey, it worked so well for me.
I ate a breakfast of 45 grams carbs with an BG 128mg/dl and a bolus of 2.8 units - 6:22AM,
Arrived at the clinic for my 9A appointment at 8:30AM- BG 123.
9:10AM increase tandem pump rate by .2, BG132ml/dl.
Began receiving saline.
7:43 to 10:20AM - Akenzeo (anti nausea) and Dexamethasome (steroid) BG 126 start- 124 finish. So far so good steroid, HA.
10:24 to 10:50 Methotrexate 124 start 133 finish du=id a .7u correction.
11:00 to 11:10 vinblastine 128 start 114 finish.
11:16 to 11:15 Adruanycin (Red Devil) 112 start to 99 finish. Told to keep mouth cool with ice chips to prevent sores. My wife long ago made up IVs with this stuff, Causes damage to the skin. 11:10 I took 2nd Lantus
11:56 to 2:35PM Cisplatin and mannitol, cisplatin is hard on the kidneys. The mannitol is a diuretic. I got up often to pee. BG was 99 start, at 12:00 I bolused 3.4u and ate my lunch of 70 grams carbs. 12:45 BG was 158 did an .8u correction. Finished and allowed to with a BG of 165. I think the steroid was catching up with me.
Stayed in the 160 or.so, did the smal Lantus does at 4:42 BG 152, bolused 3.6u 5;28 WITH BG 157. Hit 208 at 6:49 did 88 minutes easy spinning in front of the TV BG start at170, peak at 208 finished at 169 did a 1 u correction. At bedtime 9:00 123
All in all I think I did well, My nurses were outstanding, both the men and women.
Tomorrow I have to return for the growth stimulant, I don’t have the name in my notes. This is to encourage the marrow to produce more blood cells especially white. It is known to cause aches in the big bones, but Claritin is known to ease that, and I take it every morning - win- win.
Thanks for letting me and encouraging me to keep this diary. It really helps me process the situation. I truly hope that it will just be academic interest to all of you, but if the need arises it will be a sort of guideline of how to manage blood glucose.
I expect that the steroid with continue to affect my management for some time.
Thanks all and it seems really weird to have such an emotional attachment to people not seen in the flesh, but I truly love you all.
I took a selfied of the old man, but It wont post and I am past my bedtime, Yuk Yuk.
Selfie I inexpertly snapped yesterday, it didn’t break the camera. I proactively shaved my mustache and the remaining hair surrounding my bald head.
C-Day and morning after
I kept the higher basal rate trusting on C-IQ, a near perfect sleep pattern.