Sony Watch 3 as collector how to?

I’ve seen a lot of different responses and troubleshooting tips all over the place if you want to make the watch the collector and your phone as a fall back and sync with it but I still can’t get it to work. Can someone post here the exact steps and what to to if it doesn’t work? I can’t seem to get it to work at all as primary collector but displays just fine if my Samsung Galaxy S8+ is the collector.

@bpollina In settings> smart watch>Android wear choose how you want the watch to work. If you just want your watch to act as collector, check “force wear”, “only use watch”, “enable wear collection service” and slide the “Android Wear Inegration” to On.

If you want to switch back to phone when the watch battery is low or it’s missing readings, then check and uncheck the appropriate boxes. Just understand that a switchover takes several minutes and you’ll miss those readings. Better to just keep the watch charged.