Something to look forward to: 2020 Tour de Cure bike/ walk event on Boston's North Shore

Hi -
I had a chance to ride this a couple of years ago and it is a wonderful route. It’s a big event, sponsored by your friends at the American Diabetes Association. So if you’re diabetic, you get a snazzy red shirt and you are called a “red rider” (I’m not sure why and am hesitant to speculate).
That part of the race is a bit strange, as other cyclists can see that you’re diabetic and they give you all sorts of special encouragement. So maybe you can just take the shirt and not wear it on the ride.

It’s going to be on May 17th, the sunday, at Topsfield fairgrounds. Walkers are welcome too. And registration is quite reasonable for these kinds of events.

I titled this as “something to look forward to” because here in Boston we are getting ready for our annual 5 months of cold weather (Nov - April (oops that’s six, innit?)) and knowing that someday in May you will be able to bicycle in beautiful country on the North Shore provides something to look forward to.


Strange indeed! :rofl::rofl:

I doubt I’ll be able to get up there for it, but it sounds really nice. I’m definitely going to keep it in mind and think about whether it might be worthy of a road trip. :thinking:

Thanks for posting. :grin:

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