Sharing Data - xDrip help request

Hi @sggmom62 There are several ways to share your data in xDrip+

  1. Dexcom Follow. Just enter your Dexcom credentials and your followers. Settings>Cloud upload

  2. Nightscout. You can create a Nightscout site and give your doctor or anyone else your url. Just Google “Nightscout setup” for instructions on setting up a site. It’s well worth the trouble. Then set up the upload in settings> Cloud upload

  3. Tidepool. XDrip+ recently added Tidepool upload. Tidepool gives most of what Dexcom Clarity offers, and it is shareable with your doctor.

  4. Use xDrip+'s internal statistics function. It provides today, yesterday, 30 day and 90 day statistics, and they can be printed out. This is the route I take for reports to my endocrinologist. Main menu>statistics

  5. You can export data to excel in a .csv file with the import- export feature. Three dot menu in upper right corner of main screen> import> export features.

About the only thing you can’t do in xDrip+ is upload to Dexcom Clarity, they keep their file format proprietary.

PS: #Iamold too :joy: