Sensors Errors, go to xDrip Algorithm

Hi there,
I’m suffering a lot the error “sensors error” with sensors only 6-7 days old.
I’m using G6, huawei mate 20, android 10, and the latest xdrip version, 26th January.

I have read that I should try to use the xdrip algorithm, going to settings and untick Native Algorithm.
But when I try it, after 5 minutes, the app automatically enables G6 Native Algorithm, so there is no way to recover readings using the app algorithm.
As well happens the same if untick “I’m using G6”

Any ideas?

I assume these are temporary sensor errors; the type with the “wait up to 3 hours” warning (which you don’t see with xDrip+) then 30 minutes of dropped readings (though xDrip+ might recover those).

These started happening with me when I tried using my upper arm for the sensor; if I lie on the sensor it will suffer one of these errors with pretty much 100% reproducibility. I assume the transmitter was somehow getting disconnected from the sensor because of the pressure, or maybe the sensor wire is getting compressed somehow in my skin. I don’t get these errors at all on my belly which, after all, is the only site Dexcom approve.

So far as I can tell there is no algorithm required with the G6; the transmitter just delivers the BG numbers to the receiver. xDrip+ only started resetting the “native algorithm” toggle recently, I assume it is now identifying the transmitter and, if it is a G6 transmitter, just doing the right thing (i.e. nothing.)

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