Running with OmniLoop

In my last race, I used my newly invented lancing device.

It does. Insulin definitely enhances my performance by keeping me alive. It’s hard to hit your mileage splits when you are dead. :man_shrugging:


Awesome! Garmin seems like a better choice now for sure!

Yep, I picked the pod out right away!! Never used it in that location!!


Have you discussed this invention on FUD yet?


Yes. Check out the video on my FUD post. This was my first time using it in a race.


Oh yeah! I remember seeing that!

I continued to work on cadence but this time at the beach, with NO hills, and low tide! Again, I know my posts are wordy so please feel free to skip to the Numbers and Graph if short on time!!!

After reviewing @Eric’s Cadence, Pace, and HR graphs, I decided to look for a better app for the iPhone which would visualize these metrics in a single graph. I decided on iSmoothRun, and tried it out today. I can’t say I’m 100% pleased with it. It shows my cadence at 89! I am wondering if I need to double that value? :thinking: Waiting to hear back from my feedback request.

Today I significantly increased my carb intake. I think this is the most carbs I’ve ever eaten during a run AND no bolus, NONE. I was ZB for all but the last 20 minutes of the run, when I switched Loop back to my Scheduled Basal of 0.5U. I was around BG 94 then, and Loop began temp basals of 1-1.4U/hr. It worked very well because I only went to high of 121 about 20 mins post run.

Here are the numbers for today’s run:

08:33 Run Start, BG 100, Loop Scheduled Basal 0.5U, Loop primarily gave ZB.
09:00 BG 75, Huma (25g carbs), Loop Override Run20s90 (20% of Scheduled Basal if above 90)
09:30 BG 62, 10 Sport Beans (20g carbs)
10:00 BG 94, Loop Scheduled Basal 0.5U/hr giving temps 1U - 1.4U for about an hour, then again reverted to ZB for 2+ hours.
10:23 Run end, BG 104, Boost shake 16g carbs
Duration: 1 hr 43 mins
Distance: approx. 10 mi
Avg. Cadence: 89 per iSmoothRun

Tidepool graph:


Some apps and counters would count both the right foot and left foot movements as a step. For those, both left and right would each get counted.

The one you referenced is counting a combination - both a left step and then a right step - as only 1 step.

So really, your 89 is exactly like 178 on other apps.

It doesn’t matter how you count it. It’s the same number of steps either way.

I am used to counting each step - both left and right - as a step. So when I say 170, that would be the same as 85 on your app.

I think the apps that tell you to get 10,000 steps in a day are using the same counting method I do. 10,000 steps means you moved your left foot 5,000 times.

Does all that make sense? I hope so. Sometimes it’s tough on message boards to iron out these things! :grinning:

Anyway, congrats on the great run and great BG! Getting 45 grams of carbs during a 100 minute effort is really good! It’s instant energy. Your body is grateful for that!

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Yes, this makes sense!! Thank you for explaining this!!! I am still waiting for feedback from iSmoothRun but I used their app again today on the beach. I figured out how to display their Pace, Cadence, HR graph, too, on my iPhone SE, but it is very difficult to see on such a tiny phone. I’ll try out its export feature to TrainingPeaks, or maybe GarminConnect. I’ve not used either of these so another learning experience! :slight_smile:

Thank you for the encouragement!!! And THANK YOU for recommending and explaining the reasons behind the needed carb intake! I’m amazed my body did NOT require a bolus for it, too! I’m still a bit gun shy about giving a bolus during a run. And significantly, I did feel more energetic than usual after yesterday’s run due to what I assume were those extra carbs. Today’s run was the same except I ran it with my runner friend who is by far a better runner than me, no comparison what so ever, but she wanted to go a slower pace since she planned to do a 50 mile bike ride immediately afterwards!! :bike: She is NOT a T1D. :slight_smile: I told her that I might join her next time though!:thinking:


Dumb question, but what if you do an Override but are not in Closed Loop mode, you are in Open Loop mode?
(I am not sure if having “Closed Loop” turned off is referred to as “Open Loop” in the terminology, but I just mean having Closed turned off…)

I assume that an Override would not work in Open Loop. Is that correct?

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Yes, I believe people refer to “Open Loop” if “Closed Loop” is not enabled :slight_smile:

Yes, Override would not work in Open Loop AFAIK since Open Loop always reverts to your “Scheduled Basal”. I will test it though to be sure and let you know!

Based on my testing Override DOES work in Open Loop. In the screenshot below, the right Loop image shows activation of the “Running” Override (a ZB). Moving from RIGHT to Left, the next image shows activation of Open Loop. You know it is Open Loop because the of green Loop icon in upper left corner is “open”. Notice Loop is recommending ZB which corresponds to the Running Override, not the Scheduled Basal (of 0.5U). The next image (3rd from RIGHT), show activation of Closed Loop w/ Running Override. Loop has not yet updated its temp basal. The last image (4th from RIGHT), shows the Running Override deactivated, and Open Loop. It is recommending a temp basal based on the Scheduled Basal, and original Profile settings, NOT the Override.

So at least in the initial few minutes of Open Loop, it DOES base its temp basals on the Override, NOT the Scheduled Basal.

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The reason I ask is because I am planning on ONLY using closed Loop at night when I’m asleep. During the day I’d be Open Loop.

I wish there was a normal temp basal option when in Open Loop. As it stands, it seems that I would need to switch to Closed, turn on the Override, then when finished with my run, switch back to Open. The extra steps of having to remembering to turn Loop on and off is a possible point of failure for me, because sometimes I forget stuff. Especially after a hard run!! :grinning:


See my EDIT in my previous response. I changed my response as I believe Overrides are ACTIVE in Open Loop, but NOT automated:

Open Loop is a not really automated though. You will have to actually tap the “Recommended” temp value if you want to enable that temp basal, otherwise it will continue to use your default settings. But maybe that would be okay, if you are not actually expecting to use Loop’s recommended temp basals?

Yes, it would be a hassle to switch back and forth between Open and Closed! As it is, I sometimes forget to deactivate an Override, or a setting I happen to be testing. Potential disaster if that happens.

Is there a reason you would not want to use Closed Loop during the day? I almost never use Open Loop.

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Thanks for all your replies and info!

I can’t have a bunch of changes to my basal and then go on a run. I need to know what my foundation is. I am in charge of my basal during the day, I know what is happening, and I stay ahead of it.

It’s fine at night when I am asleep because I can’t make changes. But during the day, I want to stay up on everything myself.

Dexcom has a lag. During the day, I am ahead of the lag.

But I think it’s a great tool for various needs. It is super for young kids at school and away from their parents. It’s great for people who enter carbs and do the things required for Loop to work, great for those who are patient with their BG. It’s great for people who have solid and quickly responsive Dexcom readings. And it’s great for people who do not want to be glued to their changing BG numbers, or are not able to follow it closely.

But I don’t fall into a lot of those categories. :man_shrugging:


Oh, yes, this makes sense. I have been trying to work with the Loop Overrides to compensate for the variable basal rates pre-run. Depending on the day, I might have 0 IOB but other days I might have close to 1U IOB. IOB is calculated over DIA of 6 hours though, so a tail would have very low impact on me. The last few runs have worked nicely, and gave me the ability to take in carbs without insulin. That was something I didn’t expect with Loop! :slight_smile: Of course, I never really tried taking in large amounts of carbs pre-Loop!

I agree! I think I qualify for this, at least lately with the G6. Not so with the G5 though.


Is the G6 much better? Was considering the change, but the 10 day wear bothers me.

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Accuracy has improved greatly for me over the G5. G6 is usually within a few mg diff from a fingerstick so that I hardly do fingersticks anymore.

I did have a big issue initially with G6 Sensor Errors. I normally wear the sensor on my abdomen which apparently caused Sensor Errors with the G6 for me, and sensors were NOT lasting the 10 days, sometimes only a few days. Now I wear it exclusively on my upper arm and they last the full 10 days. I have not tried to restart them as, like you, I’d rather put a new one on.

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Here is another scenario I wanted to ask about.

Sometimes Dex flakes out on me. I get the “???” symbol. Sometimes it lasts for hours. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If I have an Override going, and suppose it is for 10%. If the Dex blanks out on me, will it keep me at 10%?!?! Does the Override stay active?

I hope so. That could be a bad scene otherwise.

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Based on my previous test, it appears that once the Jojo Override is enabled, it is the profile that takes over the Scheduled Basal/Profile. It gets saved to Nightscout Profile as well. I believe you’d need to diable the Override to resume the Scheduled Override.

So, yes, I think it should remain at the 10%. To be safe, it would be good to test this by disconnecting to Dexcom and confirn the Override remains enabled. I’ll see if I can test this. Stay tuned in case I need to update my response!!

Btw, I’ve yet to get those Dexcom ‘???’ on G6, that are so common with G5 :slight_smile:

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57 posts were split to a new topic: Omnipod Looping

I continued to work on pace and cadence this week. Again, I know my posts are wordy so please feel free to skip to the Numbers and Graph if short on time!!!

One comment on my morning… Either I was experiencing dawn phenomenon, or the late start today, caused a huge decrease in my insulin sensitivity. I needed to take 4X the normal insulin for my breakfast. In the end, the extra insulin worked with just a slight high of BG 122 at 10AM and no low, but it meant I had a LOT of insulin in me for my noon time run. Hence I did a ZB for duration of the run, even though I did not have a low trend prior to the run. I just wanted to be safe.

I’m now using the iSR app on my Apple Watch and iPhone. After each run, I export it to Training Peaks where it is much easier to view the stats. iSR does show logs including stats and graphs of the runs on the iPhone, but my iPhone SE is not too practical for viewing details!

So far, I’m pretty happy with both of these apps. I created a couple of custom Workouts in iSR on my phone and have used them on the past few runs. I created an 8mi at 10 min pace workout, and as I run, iSR responds whether I’m xxx secs/mins faster, slower, etc. Also gives the milage, pace and cadence on the mile so I never have to look at the watch (EXCEPT for BGs!!). I’ve never used a workout app, so this is all pretty fascinating to me!!! I can see how people get hooked on it! :slight_smile:

I’ve been using this workout for a few days, and I’ve been able to come maintain the goal at 9:41 / mile pace. The uphills are a bit slower, and iSR notifies me of this! So I wait for a downhill to make up the time!! :slight_smile: It is definitely a motivator. Before I had no idea what pace, cadence, hr, etc., I was doing. I also created a workout for Intervals based on HR Zones. I haven’t done this one yet. I’m not familiar at all with HR zones, but will try it out. Maybe I won’t be able to meet the goal and will need to adjust the workout!! Stay tuned!

Here are the numbers for today’s run:

12:38 Run Start, BG 82, Loop Running Override giving ZB
12:58 BG 83, Huma (21g carbs)
13:54 BG 104, Loop Scheduled Basal 0.5U/hr giving temps 1U - 2U, Bolus 1.5U for Boost shake
14:05 Run end, BG 103, Boost shake 16g carbs
Duration: 1 hr 21 mins
Distance: approx. 8.3 mi
Avg. Cadence: 88
Avg. BPM: 128
NGP: 9’41"/mi

Tidepool graph: