Libre 2 App for USA

If you had installed Librelink already when you ran Juggluco for the first time, you wouldn’t be asked to download and open a librelink apk.

You can write a bug report:

If you encounter a problem in Juggluco, you can send an e-mail to

The e-mail should contain all the information needed to diagnose the problem. Include the following:

Description of problem plus screenshots to illustrate the problem.

Screenshot(s) of settings (Left menu, Settings)

Screenshot of Left menu, Sensor (for each sensor)

If alarms give problems, screenshots of alarm settings.

If Mirror function gives problems, screenshot of Mirror (left middle menu, Mirror).

Everything else you consider relevant.

Sensor type

Sensor id: e.g. 3MH0078YXXW

Name of phone and system version

Information about phone (or other device)

Phone type


Android Version

Build Number