I got some Fiasp

@Beacher, welcome to the forum, I am looking forward to reading more from you!

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I’ve been using Fiasp for four months now and, for me, it has really made a difference. I do eat low-carb, but I’m able to eat these days without pre-bolusing at all (compared to pre-bolusing by 30-60 minutes with Apidra). Fiasp allows me to eat some higher-carb meals without pre-bolusing and not spike above about 10 mmol/L (with Apidra, if I tried high-carb meals, I’d spike to 14-18 mmol/L even with a pre-bolus). With Fiasp, basal changes kick in after about an hour and I’ve changed my DIA to three hours instead of four. Also, I find IM injections of Fiasp usually get me back into range within an hour, even when I start out quite high, and even regular pump boluses turn around a high much faster for me. I never used NovoRapid before, so I don’t have that to compare to, but I definitely like it better than Apidra or Humalog and would not go back. I was never one of those people who found Apidra fast, even though I’ve heard some say that it’s “faster” then Humalog or NovoRapid.


Apidra wasn’t anything tremendous for me, only slightly faster than Humalog or NovoLog. For me, Fiasp was about the same in relative terms. A bit faster, but not anything crazy fast.

But I suppose a little bit faster is better than nothing.

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