How do I change my set up? - xdrip with nightscout

So I know that I have to change everything over when I do a sensor change, but I’m not sure what needs to be changed to get it working right?
I have a Dexcom g5 (I get them completely free, as part of a subsidy scheme) and I am currently using the dexcom watchface on my ticwatch pro 3, which is useful to look at and that’s it. I want to use xdrip but currently have it (and nightscout), set up as followers of my dexcom. How do I change everything over to xdrip with nightscout following it?
I had previously wanted to keep clarity for my endo, but decided it needed to work for me more.
I’m assuming that because it’s not the lte version, I can’t make the watch a collector?
Appreciate any help!


Hi @SBee,
I do not know the answer, but I edited your title and added xdrip and nightscout to it. That will help get the attention of the people who can answer.


Thanks @Eric


This might help too!



I abandoned xDrip a while ago so not sure how to perform this configuration. Sorry!


Like @ClaudnDaye I’ve stopped using xDrip+ (because I swapped phones to support my Omnipod), however when I was using it there was no problem having xDrip+ and the Dexcom receiver both read directly. I was using a G6, but I don’t think it matters.

You will need the transmitter code. The safe approach, the one which won’t leave you with a non-functioning setup, is to do everything as normal and simply change xDrip+ over to a direct connection to the sensor; this just requires that you go through the xDrip+ settings and give it the transmitter code. It should just find the transmitter (maybe after a while) and start reporting the readings. You can test this at any time; you can also go back to having xDrip+ as a follower.

I don’t know about NightScout; so far as I can see NightScout and TidePool and other things like SugarMate use the Dexcom share on the internet. I don’t know if NightScout can be told to use xDrip+'s connection instead; xDrip+ doesn’t use the cloud, which means the data is more private, but the way it seems to be implemented an xDrip+ “follower” (typically an xDrip+ on another phone) connects directly over the local network. That’s a lot more difficult for something else, like NightScout, to implement.


@SBee Settings> Cloud upload>Nightscout restAPI. Just add all of your Nightscout credentials and you’re set.


Thanks @jbowler and @docslotnick!
I chickened out doing anything today when I changed my sensor. But next week I will be ready to go!


Is nightscout a part of the xDrip+ app or do I download it separately?

No, Nightscout is completely separate from xDrip+. It is a web app which users usually deploy and configure themselves using the open source code found here. Documentation can be found under the wiki tab at that link.

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