GETTING BACK INTO THE POOL (after 2 years away)

Here is the file location in the version I am using, which is FreeAPS.

Depending on which version you are using, the file name or directory might be slightly different, but it should be in the same general location.

Anyway, this is my file and location. You can probably just search for the file name, which is “CarbEntryEditViewController.swift”.


Once you have found the right file, you just look for this string in the file and make this change:

Original string:

public var maxAbsorptionTime = TimeInterval(hours: 8)

Change it to this:

public var maxAbsorptionTime = TimeInterval(hours: 24)

Pretty simple, right?

One other thing. The default max carbs allowed in my version was silly. It was only 250 grams.

So if you leave the max carbs as it is, you can only enter 250g. That might be fine for a normal meal, but if you are doing this to get 24 hours of increased insulin, that would only be like a 10g of carbs per hour increase. That might not be enough.

So if you want to also change the max carbs you are allowed to enter, it’s pretty simple because it is in the same file. :grinning: So it’s very easy to change it at the same time!

In this example below, I am showing it changing from a max of 250 grams of carbs, to a max of 750 grams. But you can pretty much put whatever value you want in there.

Original string:

public var maxQuantity = HKQuantity(unit: .gram(), doubleValue: 250)

Change it to this:

public var maxQuantity = HKQuantity(unit: .gram(), doubleValue: 750)

Does all of that make sense?

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Thanks! I will make those changes tomorrow. I tried the 8 hour absorption rate tonight. So far it looks to be working really well for me. I had a short term low (for which i over compensated with a pear!) but the low was due to a post meal doggie walk. (Walking almost always causes a drop for me.) Other than that, my BG has not gone above 108, so amazingly no spike at all, and now I’m trending slightly down at 98. This is 4 hours post meal. I still have 33g carbs on board and 2u of IOB but Loop algorithm has reduced my basal to 0 now so BG should level off. I will try this long absorption rate again tomorrow. Thank you again for mentioning this technique!!



This has been a nightmare. I had anesthesia for the procedures, so I was out cold and didnt know what was going on, although I was told that I wouldn’t feel anything Well, not so. Before I was completely knocked out, I was awake for the first part and it KILLED. I remembering screaming out, but then the next thing was waking up and in excruciating pain.

I asked the surgeon if I could go swimming tomorrow (yesterday) and he told me that if I felt up to it, swimming would be fine. Well, the further the evening went on the more pain I had to tolerate. I couldnt move, bend, even walk to the bathroom. The pain was getting worse buy the minute, and my BGs were going through the roof. i thought that perhaps they had injected me with steroids, but when I called and spoke with the PA, I was told that it was in my chart that I was a T1 D and couldnt tolerate steroids and none were used. But I had to raise my TB to 165% just to keep my BGs under 130. I had no appetite whatsoever, but I forced myself to eat some Farina (easy to digest comfort food). I forgot, also to adjust my ISF, and my BGs went through the roof to186. UGH. And yesterday was absolutely unbearable.

I called Eric about the high BGs b/c I knew he would have an answer why my sugars were so high, and he told me that pain like I was experiencing could raise my BGs. Raise my basal rates and change my ICRs.

Today, I emailed the Medical Office to find out why I was still in so much pain. I misunderstood how long it would take before the pain went away. I thought they said that it shouldn’t b more than 3 days and that by 3 months I should be almost totally pain free. Well they contacted me bk today and let me know that it could take up to 3 months before the pain ceased. My back looks like a patchwork quilt… I am covered with bandages. Everything I am feeling, though, is perfectly normal.

I have no idea when I’ll b swimming again. I can barely walk around my home. But I’m trying to push through the pain and walk around my apartment to loosed up the muscles. Its difficult to get to get comfortable. I am very frustrated.

just thought I would keep you all posted.

signing out,



Oh, DM, I’m sorry to hear of the pain and trauma you are again going through. I know you are strong and will recover but i hope it will be very, very soon!!! Sending you hugs…:heartbeat:


Thank you so much for your well wishes. I actually woke up this morning feeling on the mend. Still hurts, but bearable. I am still very lightheaded , but I think I am not drinking enough water. And, I am not eating. lost a little more weight. I’m a twig :wink:

Hopefully I will be back in the pool next Tuesday. :pray:


I’m so glad to hear this, DM!!! Yes, hope you can get back into the pool on Tuesday. Enjoy the weekend. Next week looks to be nicer weather, too! Early spring!!!


DM, I am so sorry you’ve had this experience. It sounds terrible. It’s good to hear that today is going a little better and I hope each day continues to improve. And I REALLY hope that you’re able to get back into the water on Tuesday! But for now, continue to walk a bit, rest up, and EAT! xoxo


I began to get my appetite back yesterday…at least enough to have a bowl of Farina, and a little yogurt before bed.

Sometimes I have needed 170% TB and sometimes 140% TB and its very challenging to know when to raise or lower my TB during the night or the day. Ive had to change all of my ICRs and have gotten nervous to eat bc I dont know what to expect. I have been using soooo much insulin through all of this. Many corrections. Ive had to let go of my neurosis about my usual tight control.

Yesterday I tried to walk around a bit. My husband drove me to the salon and I was able to get a gel manicure (his treat :star_struck: :+1:). It lifted my spirits. But I wasnt able to walk well from the car to the salon. Very very dizzy and way too painful. When we got home I got back into bed immediately. I did sleep well last night, but I woke up dizzy, light headed and in pain. Hopefully, though, today will be a little better than yesterday. One day at a time. Patience, patience and patience :crazy_face:


One step at a time, one day at a time. Sending warm thoughts and vibes your way!



Ever since Day Light Savings Time my sugars have been wonky. And they’ve continued to be, despite basal testing and changing the settings in my pump Its been annoying and frustrating, but i’m breathing and stilll above ground, so every day has been a good day.

That Ablation and those Trigger Point Injections were a nightmare. I couldnt believe the pain i was in. 3 Weeks of agony. Its finaly settling in, and i missed the pool for about 3 weeks, so despite the crazy high Blood Sugars, i was determined to get back into the pool. No judgement about my poor glucose control. Just a strong desire to swim.

I got into the pool at 167, swam 1/2 an hour, and got out at 129. I bolused a replacement and a correction of .4u/h immediately when was upstairs at my locker, showered and came home. When i got home, my sugars had risen to 149. OMG!!! So after my refuel shake bolus, i waited 45 minutes till my sugars were back in TR.

I just put in a new Dexcom last night, so its readings were completely useless (always that first 24 hours they’re completely wonky, then they settle in.) So i was totally relying on finger sticks (oh my poor finger tips :sleepy:.)

Fortunately, when all was said and done, my sugars came back down and my Dexcom allined itself (phew).

It was a real treat to be back in the pool. It always makes me so happy.

Hope everyone enjoyed whichever holiday they celebrated.Ours was humble but joyous.

signing out,




its been a rough week for me. I’m still in a lot of pain from that stupid ablation and those darned trigger point injections. In fact, i think im worse off now than when i went in to have them done. live and learn.

but being out of the pool and physically limited gets me really miserable. All I want to do is lie on the sofa and watch mindless TV shows.

But finally, today i was back in the saddle and loving the water. A truly wonderful swim. i woke up early this morning with slightly low BGs of 66. I took 8 grams glucose and waited to bolus for breakfast (till after that FOTF finished its misbehaving) By the time i felt ready to eat, just 15 minutes later, my BGs had spiked from 66 to 140, so when i bolused for Bfast, i included a hearty correction ( .2u/h…which is hefty for me). I didnt expect to go low from it, just to even me out. You guys know how neurotic i am about my tight BG control. well i went a little lower that my pre-swim comfort level. here are some stats:

6:30am BG 66
7:15am BG 140 bolused .2 units correction
10:40am BG 68 took 1 glucose tab
11:30am BG 101 left house for pool
12pm BG 105 took 2 glucose tbas and jumped in
12:30 BG 85 bolused .3u/h for replacement insulin time off pump

we’ll see what happens. I am still fiddling around with my basal profile. Its so wacky and hard to keep up with, despite vigorous determination and patience. I’ll get there though…eventually :pray: :pray: :pray:

siging out,



One of the best ever! Congrats! :star_struck:



My eyes are burning from the chlorine. i dont know what happened to my goggles, but no matter what i did to try and fix and adjust them, water just kept flooding through. UGH. And my goggles are top of the line. i’ve been buying them for a few years now without ever having this problem. Darn it.

But it was a great swim after a great nights sleep. This morning i woke up early, had bfast, and then went back to sleep (i set my alarm so i wouldn’t mess up my timing) and when i woke up, i had zero bolus on board and I was ready to prepare for my swim.


6:15am BG 69 woke up and got out of bed
6:35am BG 99 (FOTF rise) bolused for Bfast
10:30am BG 78 6gms glucose (almost no more IOB)
11:15am BG 88 turn off pump/zero basal
11:30am BG 105 leave for the pool
11:55am BG 102 took 8.25gms glucose and jumped into the pool
12:25 BG 82 bolused .3u/h showered and walked home

It was a wonderful swim. I enjoyed myself thoroughly. There were 3 other people sharing the lane with me so we swam in circles, but we were all swimming at the same pace so there was no crowding. Its so nice when things work out so smoothly.

I wish everyone a wonderful weekend. At the moment my body feels like rubber (my muscles are all tired). Its my fathers 90th birthday tomorrow so i’ll be eating very well. storing up healthy nutrition for my next swim and enjoying the company of my very large family.

signing out,



I am sorry, we are going to have to ask you to leave. This forum is for people and family members of those who have diabetes.



What a card you are @Eric


Wow. DM, just amazing! I concur with Eric! Great swim and numbers!! Keep it up!!



So the ablations and trigger point injections didnt help at all. In fact, i think they made them worse…well, at least for the first 3 weeks after the procedure. Now i am back to the status quo. PAIN.

But i pushed through it, and i enjoyed a great swim today. I know that the doctor is telling me that if i am in pain, i should not swim but if i do not swim, i will go positively mad. Swimming keeps my mind centered and positive. If i dont swim my mood is awful and i get bummed out. I need the activity.

Today was a great swim. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. my numbers were good until after the swim which ended me down in the 50s with trouble (still) getting them up. Not a severe thing bc i am starving, even after my 2 Boost Shakes and handful of cashews. I took some glucose, but i am still waiting for my BGs to come up to at least 70. ( i am most comfortable in my 80s and up to 110; thats really my TR, but i would settle for anything in the 70s at this point to know that i am safe and healthy.)

some stats:

6:45am BG 85. woke up and waited till the FOTF set in then bolused for Bfast
11am BG 101 no more IOB, Turned off Basal for 15 minutes and walked to the pool
11:35am BG 110 took 8 1/4 gms glucose and jumped into pool
12:05 BG 91 got out of pool and bolused .3u/h for replacement basal
12:35 bolused 2.6 units for Boost shakes (32gms)
1:30 BG 52, took 1 glucose tablet and waited.
2:30 BG 57 took another Gtab and some chocolate. waiting now hoping that my sugars will cooperate and rise some.

will keep you posted.

signing out,



Swimming through the pain, you are a role model @daisymae !

Sorry the procedure didn’t help, but glad you are cutting through the water again.


Thank you Carlos. You’re so kind. I appreciate it more than you can know.



first some stats bc my BGs were dropping since after Bfast:

6:30am BG 68
6:45am BG 74 bolused for Bfast
10:05am BG 116 (Post high carb Bfast)
10:45am BG 94 Turn Off Basal (No more IOB)
11:05am BG 104 leave for pool.
11:30am BG 85 took 8.5gms glucose and swam
12pm sensor was peeling off, got out of the pool; BG 55

took 4gms glucose and bolused .3 u/h for time on Zero Basal
(never done this before, but something inside me told me to do it and i just did it. Maybe it was the FORCE…some sort of spiritual guru :rofl:)

got home and my sugars had risen to 106. I bolused for my refuel Boost Shakes and am chilling out. I am just so glad that i noticed my sensor falling off before it did, bc i wouldnt want to have to buy a new Transmitter OOP. (I cant even imagine what one might cost, But, i am guessing $$$$.)

now that i have finished my Boost Shakes, my sugars are 99 and i am mentally preparing myself for my conversation with Dexcom Tech Services for a replacement sensor. Plus, i am waiting for my new sensor to finish its “warm-up” period. How annoying.

but it was interesting to be bolusing and being “low” at the same time.

signing out,