74 Years With Type 1

Sept 15, 2019, was my 74’th diaversary. Still no complications except for some neuropathy in my feet and legs. I hope the research being done on long term T1D’s in Boston will explain why some of us are so lucky to have lived so long, and be so healthy.

The neuropathy has caused numbness and poor balance. I fell down several times in 2018, and my podiatrist prescribed six weeks of physical therapy. In Nov and Dec of 2018 I learned several exercises that have helped me with my balance problem. I can do these exercises at home. I have not fallen down this year, 2019. The physical therapy has helped very much. It seems that most people with neuropathy in their legs and feet also have pain. I am not experiencing pain, just numbness and problems with balance. I had two serious injuries when I was falling down (a broken rib and subdural hematoma). It is so nice to be able to take long walks now without falling down.


A true D warrior, you are Richard! Thank you for sharing and well done!


Thank you for blessing us with your posts. Congrats on the diaversary! A big milestone to be sure next year! Glad the physicial therapy helped.


T1D for 53 years. I can only wish for your success. Thought insulin came to market in1949 (may be wrong). What were the very early years like? And congrats for avoiding long-term complications.


Thank you for posting @Richard157! Truly amazing and gives us youngun’s (only 48 years) a ray of hope.


Happy belated diaversary! I’m so happy to hear that physical therapy has been a tremendous help with the neuropathy. Thank you so much for sharing as always !


Can I ask what those exercises are called?



@MNTexan, I told the therapist I had poor balance and I had been falling down. He gave me several exercises to help with that. There was no particular name for the collection of exercises. I did the exercises at the physical therapist location for six weeks, and I also did them at home for many months. I have not fallen down for two years now.


Generally speaking @MNTexan when someone goes to PT because of falling, the therapist focuses on your IT band, and quads and hamstring to improve gait, balance and function. Older adults tend to have weaker joints, bones and muscles due to normal aging and decreased exercise which causes falling.

The first step is usually a gait assessment. Once complete, single–leg stance exercises, heel to toe walks, sit to stand exercises and heel raises are used along with mechanical exercises to stretch and strengthen, underutilized muscle groups.

It should be noted that individuals having undergone TKAs also do the same exercises for the same reason - balance and muscle strengthening post surgery to prevent falls.


I asked for more explanation to see if I could search youtube for ideas on improving balance and other PT exercises. Your response was very helpful!
