Error when trying to connect xdrip to libre

Hi, my daughters xdrip disconnected again through out the night. And I went through the usual process, stop sensor ( don’t stop) resetting bluetooth etc. But nothing clicking this time. It was stuck.with the message can’t calibrate waiting on more data. Which it does sometimes.
But then i noticed on the system status page at the bottom it says.
Sensor raw data sanity error : 4.82352905. Wondering if there is an error within xdrip. Or perhaps the miaomiao has corrupt or something.

Any help please.

P.s shes off to school now. So can’t fix until later

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P.s I meant libre not miaomiao

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I haven’t heard of that error before. @docslotnick, have you run into this xdrip error, or know any workarounds? Welcome to FUD! Off to school makes me jealous, mine is sitting in his room doing remote studies.

It turns out its her libre sensor that is broken phoned for a replacement.

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Hi @RobertM I was going to reply that a sanity error is when the data being received is so far out of the algorithm’s boundaries that xDrip+ can’t make sense of it, so it ignores it. This usually points to a sensor error, but I guess you’ve already figured that out.

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Yeah. She scanned it at school. And it came up error, replace. But thanks for the input.

At least if it happens again I’ll know.

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