Dexcom "case" modification for travel

That’s awesome, @CarlosLuis !

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When I travel compacting my supplies is critical. My hobby is photography, so when I fly I carry one backpack with my camera gear (30 lbs), and some odds and ends; that goes into the overhead bin. Then I will have a small bag that goes under the seat with my D supplies in a bag that came with the Cosmo pump (that dates me). I also put in 2x cgm supplies, spare battery back-up, chargers, and some granola bars and candy for lows. In my checked luggage I carry extra pump supplies in case of flights being cancelled or having to stay longer. Going to the Dex 7 saves a little space. It is the same routine flying domestically and international.


You’ve given me a goal to aim for! One little kit!


The Deltec Cozmo bag is the one I still use too :joy: It’s just so good!


My day bag, thanks @Eric tooo big to carry when cycling. The picture is missing the Lantus pen, oops.


I never used the foam insert part of it. It looks like everything fits pretty well with that!

Are you able to cut out some areas out of the foam to put more stuff in it? Maybe a meter would fit in there?


The meter, lancet device, Tandem syringe and cartridge and ever present peanut butter crackers are in the lid, hard to see.

The meter is a Contour Edge pretty slim.

I like how the foam holds everything in place. This is just for daily use. I have a large EMT style go-bag for extended time away from home.