
Just a bit of unasked education, Chris, corn syrup is not high fructose corn syrup. Corn syrup like Karo Lite is nearly 100% glucose and is made from corn starch. HFCS is further chemically modified to convert some of the glucose into fructose. This makes it sweeter than glucose alone.

I use corn syrup in my homemade sport juice that I can take measured sips of 4g or 8g of glucose. I won’t use sugar (sucrose) or anything with a lot of fructose. In my opinion fructose metabolism leads to high triglycerides and non-alcoholic fatty liver.


No worries @CarlosLuis, education is fine, we are after all a discussion board, and without discourse, we aren’t much at all. Thanks for adding to the discussion.


You take that better than my wife and kids :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ve heard of DKB but never tried it. I’ve tried Carbonaught bread, it’s decent. I still spike if I have more than one slice at a time. I’m considering trying to bolus for it without subtracting the fibre. Maybe that would help me dose appropriately.

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I bolus subtracting about 50% of the fiber on most products. Some products I subtract zero fiber. Those I tend to avoid.


I recently tried Silver Hills Mack’s Flax bread—5 grams of fiber, only 1 gram of sugar—and find that I get quite a spike from it anyway. I like the taste better than Dave’s Killer Bread, which aIso produces a spike. I have also tried Silver Hills Heritage Grain bread and got less of a spike but it was a bit dry.

My favorite bread is a locally-made whole wheat sourdough but the baker doesn’t always offer it.


I’ve become quite fond of a Norwegian Crisp bread sold under HEB’s label. There are 3 available, Oat, Sea Salt and Herb and Everything. I’m not a fan of oats except in cookies (LOL), but I like the other two. They are fairly high in fiber and don’t spike my BG. The Everything has 10g carbs with 5 dietary fiber g per piece. I bolus for 16g for 2.

I call it San Andres bread because you never know were it’s going to crack when you bite.


Anybody tried (and liked) any of the Ezekial bread line?


@CatLady Now, I know Ezekiel and he probably would like any kind of bread, not that he would bake it. Here he is eating my peanut butter crackers while I try to save my fingers. Yeah way off topic but he’s a star with us. (No, I haven’t tried that bread)


Nice to share your peanut butter crackers with Ezekiel!!