Anyone lined up for the dexcom G7?

I recently used this manufacturer coupon at CVS and paid $235 for 3 G7s. I had Commercial insurance through ACA with huge deductible.

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Doesnā€™t seem to be any consistency in pricing anywhere in Canada, so confounding. Itā€™s basic silliness amongst politicians that gets us to where we are now.


3 G7 tabs. That only gets you 30 days, yes?
That was the main reason I couldnā€™t afford it. When my insurance covered the Freestyle Libre, I got 6 sensors for $260 which lasted 14 days each. So 84 days worth.


i would try and have your endo submit a prior authorizationā€¦dexcom wonā€™t get back to you for a week, my dr and pharmacy told me i didnt need a prior authorization, however, my coworker was paying half of what i paid (pharmacy wonā€™t give refunds), so i insisted on a prior authorization and i magically received the lower price(this was a while ago when my jobā€™s insurance coverage switched dealers)ā€¦worst case scenario, they tell you ā€œok, thatā€™ll be $3000ā€ or whatever, and then tell them youā€™ll be right back


Just had my Endo appt today. He was relatively impressed with my numbers that I attribute to trying iAPS (v 2.3.3). I had an A1C of 6 (not too low, not too high), a TIR consistently between 85-93% (using a 70-140 daytime, 70-180 during sleepā€¦thinking of lowering that one too). We discussed a potential move to G7 and he gave me a couple to try and report whether I wanted to continue with it. Heā€™s experienced both patients liking G7 as well as complaining of dropped connections (heā€™s fully aware of Dexcomā€™s improvements to BT last year and underlined Rev #s.

I just changed my G6 yesterday, so may give G7 a try in 9 days or so. Will have to look at training vids and review whether I need to swap out pods as well. Any one thatā€™s actually done it, please feel free to comment. Iā€™ll also have to look up the iAPS process (using v 2.3.3) for activating a G7 (presumably the same as Loop). Any other considerations Iā€™m missing?


Been on the G7 for months. To me it is much improved over the G6. Only takes 30 minutes to warm up. The accuracy seems much better with less calibrations needed. It also lasts most of the time the full 10 days where I had trouble with the G6 conking out at around 7 days.

When I lost the ability to loop, the G7 is the main reason I would not go back to the Ominpod 5.

@ TomH The G7 is very easy to set up with loop actually you can switch between the G6 & the G7 you just have to download the G6 or G7 app to your iphone & away you go. As for Pods. Are you using Omnipod Dash pods? If so there is no worry about them they work great.

Cheers :smiley:


My 1st shipment of G7 is supposed to arrive tomorrow and my G6 will be expiring tomorrow. Maybe I will use the G7 or maybe not. Maybe Iā€™ll want to look at the stuff. Thatā€™s my way.


@ CarlosLuis Best wishes getting on board with the G7. You wonā€™t be disappointed :smiley:


@SobeiT Yes, Iā€™m on Dash and figured it would be pretty easy to do. But thanks for the feedback! Seems people either love or hate G7. I canā€™t help but think a few people had an issue and their stories just get repeatedā€¦right up to hearing it from a presumed ā€œhorseā€™s mouth!ā€ Iā€™ll give it a try and learn for myself!

Ref your comment on O5, Iā€™m pretty sure Insulet is ā€œbiting at the bitā€ on G7 compatibility. Their site says they have ā€œlimited market releaseā€ of pods compatible with G7. These things always seem to take longer than they should. Not sure if the holdup is Insulet, Dexcom, or FDA.


@ TomH

Yes I know the 5 is heading toward commercial release soon & I may have to reconsider however the 5 will continue to give insulin down as low as 60 BG. I want a pump I can control better. I am holding out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This is why Iā€™m happy with C-IQ. It will reduce basal to zero if needed and not bad on autocorrections. Iā€™m prone to doing slight overrides base on my analysis of the trends and how my body responds to insulin.

This is the issue I see with overly automatic pumps. People are too unique. If they all go that route I will happily ditch the pump for MDI.


I assume that is the Tandem Controlā€‘IQ. Am I right or am I right :grin:

Amen Brother Amen :clap: Now if we can just keep the Endocrinologists from trying to put us in the one size fits all D box weā€™ll all be better off :laughing:


Havenā€™t tried Freestyle yet. Would you recommend? Been T1D for so long am hoping it might be a better option than Dexcom.

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I was on the FreeSTyle Libre for just over a year before i gave up on it. Never an accurate reading. The only reason i stayed on it was that it kinda gave me a gauge for where my sugars were at. But rediculously off every time i scanned myself.

I had a lot of trouble with the Dexcom too, but only the G4 and G5. When they came out with the latest model of the G6 I found it very accurate. Then I went on to the G7 and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Very accurate and easy to insert, only a little warmup time, and although the first 24 hours are usually wonky for me, once that first day passes,my readings are very spot on. Thats not to say that its perfe3ct, bc its not. There are glitches here and there now and then, but i would highly recommend it to anyone with D (T1 or T2)

Hope your decision making is a little easier with the feedback youā€™ll b getting from my and others.


:joy: I think theyā€™re wonky for everyone :grin: I tried the Libre way back when but it wasnā€™t even close to being able for me to use it. Maybe the Libre 3 is better now? :man_shrugging:

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Yeah, Tandem X2 with C-IQ

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Iā€™m on my 2nd g7 sensor. My first failed in a half day. Iā€™m using g7 in parallel with g6. Iā€™m on day 5 of this g7 and its readings vary from same as g6 to 50 to 100 percent of g6 lower or higher! It is really noisy, too. I connected it to Trio using BG smoothing and that makes the variability much less so for using with a pump.


The other thing i wanted to mention is that when i have a lot of G7 failures is that i call DEXCOM Immediately for a replacement sensor. (Which i hate doing bc they make me feeel like I did something wrong) They always replace it, but then i have to take off the old disfunct one and start with the warmup period all over again. Its more of a blip than a true disaster, but nevertheless, its still a pain in the A*s.


@Trying sorry you had the experience and I hope it gets better. Iā€™m on my second G7. First one made it the whole 10 days, plus grace period. Second is going well on day 3ā€¦and just like that my phone just alerted a signal loss, but both it and the phone are reporting fineā€¦ cā€™est la, what can you do. Anyway, all WAS going just fine, uh, seems to still be fine, hereā€™s hoping as Iā€™m planning on picking up my 90 day supply in the next couple of days!! (Thatā€™s it, I gotta stop reading this threadā€¦Iā€™m blaming @Trying [just kidding! :laughing:])

Hope it gets better for you (and me too!).


Haha, sorry I jinxed you! My 2nd G7 seems to be running more smoothly and now itā€™s my G6 that is running haywire (Iā€™m running both to test)! Now I am seriously considering to switch to G7. Like others have mentioned, I have a very difficult time inserting the G7 senser and the overpatch, also the first G7 was difficult to remove, too. I had to use baby oil on the overpatch to loosen it from my skin. I hope your 2nd G7 makes it through the 10 day + 12 hours!!