What the Health

OMG – I had NO idea!

Back to your original question, I disliked the movie and liked this NYT article that among other things took some well-deserved shots at the movie: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/02/well/eat/good-vegan-bad-vegan.html?&moduleDetail=section-news-5&action=click&contentCollection=Health&region=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article

I also agree with the NYT writer that, movie aside, there are health benefits to eating a a more plant-based, and less meat-based diet. So I would recommend the article, though I don’t recommend the movie.


It’s that kind of strait shooting that would get you banned from lesser forums.

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I know I am late to the discussion, and I am hijacking this thread, but I love this video on the topic of Mechanically Separated Meat :slight_smile: