What did you eat today?

I finally gave up the “no carbs at dinner” idea. I just get too hungry. I think I have a fast metabolism, since I eat more than my husband, but I just miss having a carb at dinner, even if it’s just 1/2 c whole grain rice. Besides, I kept finding my numbers rose to 175 or higher, regardless of how much i ate. I eventually concluded my basal is too low. We’ll see how that pans out. So far, I check and check and check again. Not need to add an extra 6-8 units of insulin at bedtime for a correction, yet.


@Jubilee I find that a high number after a meal is a sign I didn’t time my dosing right. I prebolus half of what I think I need a half hour before and then the other half when I eat. Some people it could be a third 20 minutes before eating. That can vary some depending what I am eating. But if your basal rate is off it will affect everything. Here’s a good link for basal testing.


great article! thanks for sharing it


Vegan Lasagna
Bowl of Mixed veggies, seitan with fake cheese sauce

JUST Egg (fake eggs)

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I’m on vacation with family at Disney World. I don’t make a habit of it, but I enjoyed a small (6 bites at most) chocolate waffle with dried cherry’s at breakfast (as part of usual ham/cheese omelate with whole grain toast. Tonight was fish ‘n chips…and I ate the chips! It was worth a couple extra units for the chips which I’d normally avoid! Last night was good German food at Epcot!


My typical breakfast is 40 g CHO and 5 units Humalog works well (if no correction needed, mornings I’m usually low).

One combo:
25 g Cheerios + 20 g Wheat Chex + 60 g blueberries + just enough Half & Half to moisten the cereal.
1 cup black tea (Tetley’s)

2nd combo:
40 g oatmeal + 60 g frozen blueberries (when fresh aren’t available) + Half & Half
1 cup tea

3rd combo:
2 toasted frozen waffles + butter + sugar-free syrup + 60 g blueberries
1 cup tea

As you can see, I’m obsessed with blueberries right now. I usually go through several months of a phase of some favorite food. And I don’t avoid carbs. I usually try to have about 30-40 g CHO per meal, so around 100-120 g per day.


Obsession with Blueberries is a wonderful thing!!!


I had oatmeal this morning and just ate 4 pieces of bread with a vegan Mango curry spread.


Large Salad
Vegan Spinach Lasagna
Vegan Pasta Primavera
And I splurged as usually I don’t eat more than 1 donut in a day when we make the trip to get them. But we hadn’t gotten any for a while and nothing beats a fresh crispy hot donut!!! They make them when you order!
I Vegan Taro donut with chocolate frosting
1 Vegan Taro donut with maple icing and coconut flakes


Coffee with Splenda and 1T Half & Half
Salad with pumpkin seeds, taco chips and poppyseed creamy dressing
Spaghetti squash with tomato sauce and parmesan shaker
2 Haggendaz icecream bars
1 vegan cookie bite
1 mini chocolate cake


How do you cook the spaghetti squash?

I bought one recently and still need to find a recipe.


Breakfast: Crispbread, goat cheese, cream cheese, peppers, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, plum, blueberries

Lunch: half a Turkish savory pastry (like puff pastry filled with roasted pepper and goat cheese), a slice of spelt bread, cheese, peppers, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, carrots, humus, raspberries

Dinner: vegetarian fish (fish-and-chip-style breaded yumminess), tartar sauce, peppers, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, carrots, humus, protein bread, cheese, strawberries with 0-sugar Skyr-style soy yogurt, two mini Leibniz cookies, a small square of almond & salt dark chocolate, cup of Earl Grey tea with milk


I cut it in half lengthwise, turn it open face down on a glass dish and bake at 350 F for about 30 mins. I then let it cool and take a fork and scrape out the insides. Then dump some tomato sauce on top, stir it in and shake some parm like substance over it! Badda bing badda boom delicious :slight_smile:


Hmmm Spaghetti squash with lots of garlic in tomato sauce over it, love it!

Beyond Meat Burger on a taro bun with a small salad
Large Salad with all sorts of veggies on top
Jalapeno alternative Cheddar Bites
–a vegan restaurant makes them here, delicious and simple. Part of a jalapeno pepper with the alternative cheddar cheese baked in a small pastry puff.
Locally made chocolate and a chocolate chip cookie

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20 g Cheerios
20 g Wheat Chex
60 g blueberries
Half&half to moisten cereal

5 baby carrots
30 g pretzels
Cream cheese to dip pretzels in
2 Colby/Jack cheese sticks
1/2 Honey crisp apple

Romaine lettuce and baby spinach salad with raw mushrooms
Homemade thousand island dressing
1/2 petite sirloin steak grilled
12 tater tots
Steamed broccoli


Funny thing about tater tots - in Germany they’re called ‘potato pops’.

‘Tater tot’ in German would sound like ‘dead perpetrator’. :rofl:


I’m in Montana, the next state west is Idaho, a big potato state, and there they’re called “potato gems.” :blush:


The only kind of potato pops (or tater tots) I like is Cajun! Very tasty.


Pretzels really do a job on spiking my blood sugars. Does this not happen for you?

@daisymae thinks it’s the malt in things like pretzels and bagels. I did try a bialy on her recommendation and that seemed to be less drastic in terms of my BG spike.



Eric is constantly reminding me the “All carbs are not created equal.” While one food doesnt spike you, another (even with the same amount of carbs) WILL spike you.

Also, keep in mind that Bialys come in all sizes. some have higher carbs than others. The ones I like to eat I need to bolus for 45gms of carbs (they’re large :wink: ).