If you are like me from a couple months ago using Unisolve to remove your pump and sensor, there is no need for all that, If you wanted to, you could just peel the tape slightly on one side, then rip it off as fast as you can. Boom!! This works for both sensor and pump. It’s way faster and easier (and cheaper) way to take your devices off.
That’s my way, too. I did test out the G7 though and it is much more difficult to remove than the G6. I’m still on G6.
I agree completely. But I have read that the G7 adhesive has two fewer ingredients than the G6. Apparently they were removed due to customer complaints about irritation/sensitivity issues. One would expect that this would adversely affect the adhesion properties of the G7. But thankfully it did not.
I like to use the hot water in the shower… Grab an edge let the water permeate for a moment and it seems to come off fairly easily and painlessly…
Apologies if this is TMI for some folks.
I am not sure FUD could handle seeing @elver in the shower…
Maybe imagine a polar bear then…lol
Sometimes it’s better not to, even with the talented Mr @Eric 's efforts, lol
Seen those butt pods, seen it all.
Thanks for the laughs @Beacher !
Thar she blows!