Valentine's day 2019

I dressed like I was in mourning. It’s not really my thing either. I was available in the corner for anyone who just needed a friend. :grin:

My son’s teacher, all decked out in red, then had the children walk around and pass out their valentine’s cards while doing a bit of light socializing… except for the kids who didn’t bring any in. They were told to remain in their seats. If they didn’t hate the holiday before today, this may have put them over.

The great news is I had enough Welch’s fruit snacks in my bag to pull off a last minute Halloween party, so I gave those kids what I had. They couldn’t have been sweeter.

Hmmm… I also didn’t mean to spoil the day for anyone who is enjoying it. Potentially there is some very nice stuff in Valentine’s Day, I guess it’s just not always apparent.

That’s still really negative. Now I think I am to Valentine’s Day what the Grinch is to Christmas.

:rose::tulip: Here are some flowers. :grin: