How did I miss this reply?!? I haven’t watched The Crown. I think I started and couldn’t get into it. I should try again.

So glad you’ve enjoyed the history and costumes in Victoria. EH and I have basically been apart since I wrote that text (my mom’s got some health stuff going on I’m helping with out of town) and haven’t had a chance to watch more! You’re ahead of where we are!!!

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it takes a bit to get into it; but The Crown is fabulous. you hang on each episode and cant wait for the next one. really, check it out. ( and the acting, writing, and costumes and landscapes are marvelous.) its so nice to see these women in states of power :star_struck:


Some people say the series cost more to make than the Queen actually spends :slight_smile:

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which queen ? elizabeth or victoria?

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Elizabeth :slight_smile:

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Michel, the Queen should rethink her expenses. she could really use a new designer and stylist. the blue two piece suits with the matching hats and pearls are enough already. stretch horizons; start putting a little more effort into it; look to Kate for appropriate, elegant but more youthful attire. the Queen is such a bore. the only time i find her interesting is when she is in the country in her Barbor Jacket and her Welly boots walking through the greenest of pastures with her dogs. :wink:

(but lets not get political here :rofl: )


@daisymae you completely crack me up!!! I don’t handle change particularly well and the thought of the Queen being anything other than what she’s always been…well, I don’t know what I would say!!!

I love the Annie Leibowitz photographs from Vanity Fair that depict her with all of her corgis.

And also this delicious window light portrait. I could swoon! (It’s number 7 in the slideshow, won’t show up right here.)

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a new show that is an absolute cant-miss. a must see:

"The Marvelous Mrs. Maple" (i think i got the name right :wink: .)
it takes place in the 50s and is a series show, episodic.

my husband and i have never laughed so hard for so long since watching Eddie Izard do a comedy routine. it is clever, well written, the costumes are fabulous, the acting and casting is perfection.

check this one out!!!


I think it’s Mrs. Maisel :slight_smile:
It’s a super cute show!

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I think this has just started being broadcast in the States, because The New Yorker just did a mini review of it (and loved it). I’d been wondering if all the fish noises were real, and apparently they are.

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@Beacher, I am fascinated that you would ask yourself that: it is exactly the kind of question I have myself when I look at a series.

When I make these kinds of comments, my wife always looks at me like I come from Mars :slight_smile:

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As long as your wife is from Venus, I think it ends well.


you’re right. its Mrs Maisel. :blush:


I started watching this fascinating show on Netflix, Peaky Blinders. Violent, but awesome all the same. It’s takes place in Birmingham, England just after WWI. It’s about a gang called the Peaky Blinders that is led by the main character, Thomas Shelby, and his family.

There’s lots of depth to the show, and I learned a bit about tunnelers in WWI. I even looked up a bunch of historical stuff that they reference in the show. It’s not based on a real family, but the Peaky Blinders were a real gang in England at that time.

its called Peaky Blinders and yes!!! it is fabulous. we have seen every season. totally binge worthy.

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American Vandal on Netflix… haven’t laughed that much in a while

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Thanks SAM. I will check this right out ! ALWAYS in the mood for a good laugh :laughing:

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Report back!

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