TIL: you can’t get software updates for an out-of-warranty Tandem t-slim

I had been meaning to update the software on my Tandem t-slim, so last week I got around to it and discovered:

  1. My warranty ended 5 weeks ago :slightly_frowning_face:
  2. You can’t install software updates on an out-of-warranty pump :cry:

So the moral of the story is (yet again), don’t procrastinate.

(Also, it was interesting that they didn’t notify me about the impending end of the warranty period.)


If they have an update that they consider important enough because of an issue with the version you are currently on, you can get an update.
That is how I got mine updated when it was a long ways out of warranty.

It is odd that you were not notified though. I had Tandem send me emails, and my local Tandem rep called me, more than once.
And I still have them bug me now and again to try and get me to get a new pump.