The last two G6 sensors have stopped working after 10 days exactly using xDrip+, but didn't used to

If you have the option then I suggest trying the 8G and if it doesn’t work reliably immediately swapping to the 8H. If I had a hoard I would, at this point, just swap to the 8H on the next sensor, but I don’t; I’ve only got one transmitter (the 8H) as backup. Since you are using a different setup and since I suspect the problems are in xDrip+ I would certainly want to try it to see what happens.

I keep coming back to this other fud thread:

It seems to me that Sayer was reacting to a situation where products not under Dexcom’s control reacted to quite reasonable changes in the G6 communications protocol by doing bad things. Of course I’m just guessing, but I have experience of working for one manufacturer and implementing a piece of perfectly correct software which produced a perfectly valid GIF that terminated another manufacturer’s buggy GIF implementation. After they refused to fix the bug I had no real choice but to produce sub-optimal GIFs for their benefit. It was annoying.