The daily life of cats

Cats are smart! They have a sixth sense. Biggie knows when a stranger is coming to the door versus one of us. If it’s one of us he runs to the door to greet us and if it’s a stranger he runs downstairs to hide.

Taranga is so cute. I am glad her vet visit went well and I wish her a full recovery.

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i guess they are smart :)…my other cat knew when my levels were high or low. taranga doesnt know how to do that. i wished she did tho! But she is smart in her own ways. does biggie know your levels? taranga knows when my boyfriend is over from the bedroom. but she has been hiding from him as she knows he takes her to the vet lol.

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I don’t think so. He is closer with my daughter who is also T1D and I’ve never really paid attention to how he acts when she is high or low. I wear a Dexcom and she wears a Libre so we don’t really need a DAC.

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ahh ok. maybe he does know and just isnt saying anything :). dac?


Diabetic Alert Cat :grin:

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ahhh ok :). that is how my older one was when he was alive. he just knew to bother me until i checked my sugar levels

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LOL, the only alerts I get are for empty cat dishes! :smile_cat:


oh yes they do. taranga does a stare down face. then she walks over to her bowl or sits there giving me a pathetic look. and every time i get up she runs to the bowl. i have to tell her that she is too early. but she has been getting morning treats due to the antibiotics. that will change and we will go back to the normal snack time schedule…she is not going to be happy

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These alerts occurred so often for me that I bought an automatic cat feeder. Seems silly to meow at an inanimate object, right? The whining about food totally ceased.

Of course, not all cats are as vocal as mine is. Given the right incentive, she could probably wake the dead.

taranga can graze at her food at any time. its her snacks that she gets. i call it the bedtime snack time. but she knows better lol

really? she could probably wake me up as i wear hearing aids and dont wear them to bed. which may be a good thing but she has a vocal voice it looks like

Sometimes Old Man Harley thinks first breakfast is at 5 am–not!! Loud hardly describes the ruckus!

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that is what time taranga would get me up as snack time use to be before i went to work. but i switched it. harley is a loud meower as well?

Think “rusty-sheeplike-bleating”! I really oughta record him on the outgoing answering machine message!! :scream_cat::smile_cat:

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Sasha would probably eat all day if I did this. She has trouble keeping her svelte figure :wink: so I help her out by restricting her food intake to two meals a day. She generally doesn’t start getting hungry until about an hour before she’s fed.

ahh…taranga doesnt have any issues with getting bigger. but then again she is 9 years old. when i had my other cat i let him graze on the food as well. so i didnt want to start restricting him when he has been eating the food that way for years so taranga is allowed to as welle.e ee

rusty sheeplike bleating…oh my. so a bit of chirping type thing going on but loud. if you record him like that maybe telemarketers wont call you again :slight_smile:

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taranga has found a new spot to lay down in. i have a pile of pillows at the end of the bed and she will go and snuggle in there. all you see is the top of the cone of shame lol.

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For @amymc: one of my favorites American paintings at the National Gallery:

It is a Cecilia Beaux, btw:-)

pretty! im not sure who that is but the pic is pretty :slight_smile:

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taranga goes back to the vet on monday :). her tummy is looking good and healing nicely. she’ll get the cone removed then as well…she finished up the antibiotics and snack time will be once a day. i think she is beginning to know that as ive repeated it a few times and she hasnt gone to the bowl this morning. so snack time is back to night time now :). im also slowly changing her food…we get the wellness food but we can never remember which bag so im switching to the grain free chicken one. ill be needing more food for her soon. oh the life of cats :). any cat stories from you guys?


taranga goes to the vet tomorrow! i hope we can get the cone off and im able to put her kitty tree back together. she was in that area like mommy where did my tree go. the poor thing really misses it. does your cat has stuff they miss? i think they have that feeling. i know taranga does

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