The daily life of cats

Oh no! I’m so sorry Amy. I’m sure that Taranga had the best life with you that a cat could have. And I’m positive you’ll miss your furry friend. :crying_cat_face: Hopefully having your family close by will be a comfort and I’m sure Bubba will need some love too. Sending good thoughts your way.

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I’m so sorry! As @TravelingOn said, I hope you can take some comfort in knowing she had a good life with you. Treasure the memories. hugs

oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about sweet Taranga’s passing.

Aww, @amymc, I’m so sorry about Taranga. She sure had the best home!


i stayed at my boyfriends house weds morning. he slept over at my house last night, and right now i am at my best friend’s house for the night. i went to pack up some stuff for the night and it was too quiet. i was expecting taranga to be in the bedroom waiting for me or in her favorite spot in the kitty tree. i almost bursted into tears. i cried last night in my boyfriends shoulder. i feel lonely right now. i havent gotten over the loss of my baby boy calvin and now i have this one.

@Nickyghaleb how are your babies? any updated pics?


@amymc, I am so so sorry to hear about your baby. :pensive: that is very sad news. It sounds like you gave her a loving home and a very sweet life.

I took a picture of them just this morning in case you asked. So this is Bootsy and Cleo from this morning…

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Let’s see what I can tell you about them… They are the best of friends. They hang out all day together, sleep together, eat together… They are BOTH very loving. Bootsy talks incessantly, and not that I know anyone else that talks incessantly, but, boy, do I wish she would shut up sometimes. :sweat_smile: Cleo is the master of eye contact. It can be very intense. She talks much less, but she really expects you to look her in the eye when you’re doing… everything. Cleo sleeps with me most nights, and Bootsy won’t let you sit down for 30 seconds before occupying your lap. Her lap. We’ll just call it what it is. What else? Bootsy is the best jumper— and does like daredevil stuff. No sooner than I say, “oh, she’s never going to make that” does she land it. Cleo, knowing her own limits, watches from safety below. We did find them both up top in the loft one morning but have no idea how they got up there. I imagine it involved some kind of piggyback scenario, Bootsy doing all the work and talking all the while. :grin:

Oh! And they ran their mom out of town. Catinha packed her bags— completely on her own— and moved into my mom’s house, two doors down. This is for real. She followed my mom home one night, right into her room, and refused to leave. Just straight refused. My mom had to go out and buy her all the cat gear, and she now has a permanent roommate. I really, really enjoyed watching Catinha become a mother and figure out motherhood as she moved through it, but to watch her pack up and move out was just the funniest thing of all. She occasionally comes through our house and does a drive by bop on each of their heads before running back out the door. That’s a serious power move. I cry I laugh so hard.

Anyway. That’s the update. Hope this finds you well. :heart:


they grow so fast!!

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a ying yang to each other :).but they both have separate personailities at the same time

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I am so sorry, losing a beloved pet is never easy. I don’t own a cat, but have enjoyed reading about yours.

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thanks…im glad you enjoyed reading about taranga. i stopped at my house today to get a few things and i almost cried when i couldnt find something. it was empty. quiet, etc. ive been staying at either my boyfriends or my best friend since she passed away. i only slept over my house once but my boyfriend was with me. its hard to be at my house right now

this is the last pic of her and i…i have it as my home screen.


So sorry for your loss. It isn’t fair that our fur babies don’t have the same life expectancy that we enjoy. I’ve just been kissing my Fluff’s nose, and making sure I love him as much as possible while we have him. Ok, maybe I’m just spoiling him rotten. I only got to kiss his sister’s nose once the day before she was run over, and I’ve always regretted that. She was such a busy little cat, and far too adventurous.

it isnt fair indeed. it sucks. i was hoping taranga would last as long as calvin did. but i guess not. im lucky that taranga picked me to bring her home. the last 7 years has been the best. even when calvin passed away she was right there for me. i dont know what i wouldve of done without her being there.

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it hurts to be around other peoples cats. especially my boyfiend’s. and going into the pet store cat section which my boyfriend and i had to do. i was almost going to cry in the store. tomorrow i go back home to my place after being somewhere else since thursday. im not sure how ill take it.

@amymc I’m sending you lots of hugs and love right now. I know this is not easy and it won’t be for some time. Please know, I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that each day you cope with your loss … just a little bit more … than you did the day before. ::tight hugs::

thanks…im not looking forward to returning to my apt. it will be too lonely in there. ill probably take a long nap to ignore everything. but im not sure. i just hope to spend the rest of the day with my boyfriend before i need to go to bed instead. i dont know what ill do.

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i stayed at my apt for a little bit before i went back over to my best friend’s house. i have tarangas ashes and paw print with me for the night. i think ill sleep well knowing she is with me. eventually ill go back and deal with being alone. not sure how ill do that tho


@amymc ::tight hugs:: You’ll do it a little at a time. Allow yourself time to grieve and to miss her. It’s hard to realize now, but in time, memories that make you cry from grief, will make you smile in rememberance. I’m so glad you’re able to spend time at your best friend home or with you boyfriend.

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thanks…its just hard. i had a nice weekend with my boyfriend even tho he has cats. my best friend has a few cats. so its hard to be around cats but glad that i have people that care right now.


i have had tarangas paw print and ashes for 48 hours now. im still at my best friend’s house as its hard to be on my own. i slept with taranga every night since ive gotten her ashes. her paw print is now in a picture frame i got at a thrift store for $3. my best friend said she’ll plant the forget me not flowers as they gave me a packet of them and i dont have a green thumb. so it will be nice to be at my best friend’s house and see them and think of taranga. everyone is telling me i should take bubba back and cat sit for him again. but i dont know. i want my own cat…i love bubba but its not the same as its your own baby. so i dont know what to do. my mom said he can keep me company. my boyfriend said its you taking care of someone elses cats and my friends are saying i wont be alone. bubba is hyper and im use to a chill, laid back cat. sigh