The Crazies Are Out - Covid 19

I am not going to engage in this discussion any further. We have made a decision as a site, and you will need to abide by the decisions we have made if you choose to participate here.

As far as the reason this site was created , this included very heavy handed moderation including changing other peoples post after the fact to obfuscate things. We are in no way acting in a similar manner by choosing to host political topics in the Share:Politics area. I am sorry if you don’t see it that way.


Yes, really. Did you see the joke I made with a picture of demonstrators standing next to each other without masks but carrying assault rifles? Did it offend you? We allow jokes at the expense of the people doing their best to sell groceries, why not the demonstrators who don’t even try to follow rules.

If everything is allowed, which is what is claimed here, then no explanations are needed. But when some content is deleted with no explanation then I think that deserves an open discussion. Sorry if it is in this thread, but that is where the censorship is occurring.

@jag1, I’m not sure if you’re really upset about your post being moved (you said “deleted” but I don’t think that is true) or if something else is bothering you. This seems an interesting battle to pick.

I’m typically a high strung person. For me, this pandemic and “Novel Corona Virus” is so novel so far because I’m increasingly finding myself in the position of encouraging others to relax a little bit. I’ve never been the deliverer of that advice before. It is, indeed, novel.

No one mentioned offendedness. You mentioned that. It is politics. It is up to moderators to objectively move that to the Politics area which is what @Chris did.

If people keep bringing politics into non-politics threads, it will drive away traffic. People don’t want to mess with it here. And then you will have no one to talk to on here. Or we will wear out our mods. Or both.

If it were me, I wouldn’t be upset about my post being moved. I’ve crashed threads before unintentionally and they’ve had to move my stuff. Not a big deal. Do you want people to see your opinion that badly? If it is so objectively true, as you said, then why do you need to point it out? Everyone would already know it and agree.

I hope you can accept moderation happening as it is stated that it will happen. No one is doing anything To You. I’ve got no beef with you. I do think it might help if you chill out on this a bit, though. I don’t mean to make you angrier by saying that. But like I said, I’m new to being the relaxed one so I might suck at delivering that advice.


Again, I’m sorry this is happening in your thread. I’m not offended in any way by anything you’ve said so please don’t even think about that. But I’m afraid you haven’t changed my opinion about what is happening here.

Claiming my post was “moved” is doubletalk. “Moved” would apply when moving from one thread to another, changing the title, changing the category, whatever, fine. But “Moved into an Area Where it Cannot be Seen”, which is what was done here, is not “Moved” - it is “Deleted”.

I think what will drive away traffic from this site is heavy handed enforcement to not allow people to express their opinions, even deleting light-hearted jokes. I was here shortly after this site was opened, and I am aware of why it was opened. It was opened because there was an admin at tudiabetes who wouldn’t allow people to express their points of view - he deleted their posts, he changed their posts, and he threw people off of the site for life. When this site was started, it was going to be different. So if you want to know why I am upset, it is because this site is turning into the very thing that it was formed to fix.

Like it or not, the virus that is going the rounds, and the disease of diabetes that we all have, has put all of us into the “high risk” category. Many of us, myself included, have parents or grandparents who are at even higher risk due to age (my dad is 91). I resent being told that population-wide attempts to mitigate risk by following recommendations from scientists should be censored because now that is somehow “political”. Make no mistake - that is exactly what is being done here by deleting my post.

When I see something like a group of men without masks standing shoulder to shoulder waving around guns, implicitely threatening to shoot anyone who tries to make them wear a mask, then I will react to it. I assume that I am not the only one who will react to it, regardless of politics? I really don’t see this as a political issue - do you? Am I wrong? My goal was to take my reaction and turn it into a joke to mitigate the anger it causes me. But now even the joke is considered “political”. That is not right and to me that is a battle worth fighting.

I’m not understanding this. When I click on the split thread link, I can see the posts. When I’m logged out and click on the link, I can see the posts. Threads are split and moved all the time here… How are you considering this “deleted” and different from other instances of threads being moved or split?


Personally, I believe that when people see their own position as so infallible and morally superior that they cannot recognize that there are opposing viewpoints which may have different priorities And validity (same, less or more), that’s when it’s extremely political.

Domestic abuse, child abuse, mental health catastrophes, food insecurity, etc etc…there are lots of motivating factors out there for a variety of positions.

@jag1: Please don’t hector Chris about this…he works awfully hard on this forum for the benefit of all of us forum users. The “no politics” battle is definitely a non-starter.


Well, I’m not sure how I could possibly be hectoring Chris when he already said that he is not going to engage in any further discussion. That is his right, and to be clear, I was responding to Allison, not Chris.

Sorry, I don’t see that as a response? Maybe I’m not understanding. Are you saying I’m being morally superior for making a joke about people who don’t wear a mask when demonstrating? If so, are you agreeing that social distancing and wearing a mask is now considered “extremely political”, and that is off-limits for jokes or discussion? Even though scientists at the CDC have recommended this for all Americans since April 3?

I would say that this thread has focused on acutely poor decisions people are making for their own protection during Coronavirus.

If you were solely pointing out that people standing near each other in public without masks was crazy, then why didn’t you post a picture of anyone standing with other people without masks? There are lots of examples of that. But you went with guns and MAGA to make that point. So I don’t think you’re solely arguing that not socially distancing and not wearing masks are the problem. I know plenty of Democrats disregarding those measures, as well.

And at no point have I indicated my own beliefs or behaviors. I have no issue doing so, but I don’t find it necessary or relevant.

But a person driving with a paper bag face on her head while driving? Delightfully crazy and apolitical.


OK thanks for clearing that up. Not trying to join the battle.

Do I know her? :thinking:

Six degrees of separation. Scary, isn’t it.


Fortunately, no. Three degrees of separation for you.




Jag, please cool off a while. The cultural norm in this place is that we have nice discourse with each other. Topics that could tend to spark fights between us and outrage directed at each other get moved to the politics area if seen in the general threads, because people only get notified about new posts in that area if they have explicitly opted in. It keeps the rest of the site nice by default for the general membership, especially the hostility-adverse folks like me. Please accept that’s the way it is on fudiabetes .com .org


I’m increasingly convinced that political arguments on the internet convince no one.


Yes they do!



Gee, but that is exactly what I thought I was making fun of. How could a group of people possibly demonstrate a more serious case of “acutely poor decision” making in a pandemic than for dozens of random people who don’t know each other to purposely decide to gather in groups without masks, shoulder to shoulder, hugging and high fiving. The MAGA hats and semi-automatic rifles just added to the absolute absurdity of it. The fact that the only reason they were even there was to show off their MAGA hats and rifles is utterly comical to me.

Maybe you can tell me where you are seeing all of these other groups of people behaving similarly? Who else is doing this besides the anti-lockdown conspiracy theorists? The only other images I can remember were students on Spring Break beaches, and that was months ago. If you have other examples, then great, post those too, and we can put back my pics of the MAGA crowd plus any other groups you can find too.

I haven’t indicated my own beliefs or behaviors either, other than the fact that I find the above group of demonstrating bozos to be utterly ridiculous. These groups are actually quite small in terms of absolute numbers - compared to mass movements like antiwar, women’s rights, gay rights, etc. They strap on their guns to try to intimidate and look important - but in fact there is overwhelming support of people in ALL political parties for protecting the elderly and other high risk fellow citizens. I know that the pictured crazies are out on the lunatic fringe - I just hope we can all agree that that is where they should stay.

I’ll say it again - voicing support for attempts to mitigate risk by following recommendations from scientists should be the norm. It cannot be allowed to become somehow “political”, and certainly shouldn’t be censored here on this forum. This is about science, it isn’t about politics. There are nearly 100,000 Americans dead already. Hopefully that will be the worst of it, but realistically it isn’t ending anytime soon because the virus is still out there and there is a vast majority of the country who have not yet been exposed to it. Science is absolutely critical at this time.

Absolutely. As long as no one is letting you near the car keys…


Only about 25% of people around here wear masks who are non-essential personnel. Restaurants are near capacity in many places. Drive around a neighborhood and watch bbq’s and sleepovers happening.

Social distancing isn’t necessarily the norm anymore. People have quarantine fatigue. It’s been two months for most places and that’s a lot of isolation.


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