Similar to last year’s meter test, the Relion marketing team has agreed to provide up to 5 of the Relion Premier Classic Meters to our readers. If you are interested, please reply to this thread or PM me. If we get more than 5 volunteers I will hold a small raffle to pick the folks who get the free meter and strips.
No cost will be incurred for volunteering. This is the new $9 meter with strips that cost $9 per 50 ($35 per 200). This is a well priced solution for those whose insurance doesn’t cover the strips they use. Because of the favorable price, it would be helpful if you do volunteer that you let the community know about the accuracy you found as well as the ease of use.
Like last time, there is no requirement that you write a review, but the Relion Marketing team would appreciate any and all feedback you could provide in our forums.
So I am gonna duck out on this one and let others have a chance.
It was interesting to review, and it gives you a free meter and free strips, so I encourage everyone to consider volunteering to do a review. I can vouch for Scott (@ReliOnAM) who is offering the review opportunity.
Well that is 5, and that works for me. I am not sure if they will be able to ship to Italy, but if they will, you are in. I will PM each person and get an address and name for shipping and get that to the Relion marketing team.
Update - I have provided your info to the Relion marketing team, and you should have your meters soon. Pippo, sorry they can’t ship to italy
As such, I have one more spot if someone from the US is interested.
Thank you anyway, Chris, I supposed there could be problems.
I was interested mainly for the very low price of test units, very lower than those available in italy, here 50 are at about 75 US$, a lot of money, so it could have been vey interesting for a lot of people here. Anyway, no problem , I’m anxious to read tester’s results.