Tandem t:slim X2/Minimed 670G Comparison

I wanted to post this before I forget it exists. I wrote this in response to some questions I was getting from my group members, and as I got writing, it grew in depth. I know it won’t apply to everyone, but since I have put in a good amount of time with these two pumps observing things like delivery and sensor performance, I’m sharing what I found to be true for me. I welcome any opinions, thoughts, suggestions or corrections anyone might have. Like you, @elver. Even though I haven’t incorporated it yet, I did read it all and have it on my To Do list. :smiley:


Thanks much. Just the right amount of detail I was looking for.

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Thanks, @MM2. :heart:

Ms @Nickyghaleb. I really liked your comparison between the pumps. Now you just need to add the Omnipod to your comparison so everyone has a better picture of pros /cons.

Thanks for writing this up. :smiley:

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Now I just need to go back to your suggestions and give them a try. That’s what I need to do. :grin:

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