Saturated fat overdose lunch

I don’t have complete taste faculties since I been doing immunotherapy. I thought about an omelet, but cheese is just tasteless. So I sliced a very small boiled potato in hot avocado oil. I was using my late Mom’s prized cast iron omelet pan, I swear I could feel see her eyes rolling.

Any way I scrambled 3 jumbo eggs into the potatoes seasoned with black pepper and a bit of Larwy salt for the other stuff and this no sodium. Potassium substitute called Benson’s Table Tasty.

I ate the whole giant plateful and had a glass of Green Orangeade. It’s sweetened with Stevia and has 10% OJ plus natural orange flavors. Not quite orange juice but very tasty, 4g carbs in 12 oz.

By the way, my egg, potato, bacon concoction was quite good. Oh and the pan cleaned up without water, so Mom would be happy.

32 carbs for this meal.


You got me all hungry now.
