Samsung Galaxy 5 as collector

hi, we are using xdrip as a blood glucose meter app on the phone. recently we also have a Samsung Galaxy 5 watch with Esim function. so my question is; Can the watch be set up as a data collector without the phone being worn and use the GSM network to transmit data as a follower? thanks

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The answer depends on the source as well as the watch. So far as I have been able to tell so far xDrip+ will run on some watches (the BlueJay for example) and collect from the G6 but for other watches it may be necessary to disable some of the play protection.

For the G7 I asked a few days ago on the FaceBook xDrip+ group and didn’t get a response, so I guess in this case no answer means no (or maybe I asked the question wrong.)

Setting up a watch with a direct follower might be more difficult.