Reminder for New Users - Badges and Titles

If you’re a new user and you’re reading this, I wanted to let you know about some functionality that you may not know existed, that you may be interested in getting set up.

So, we thought it was important, when setting up our forums, to allow users to use their connection with Diabetes as their “Title” here on the forums. This is nice when inside of the forums to get a quick view of the person who is commenting on a thread that you’ve created, or just generally to let us all know (without needing to check your profile page) what your connection is with Diabetes.

As such, I created some scripts that run in the background which automatically issues you a “badge” when you make a selection in that “Connection to Diabetes” field within your profile preferences. Whenever you received this badge you also received another option in your “Titles” drop-down menu. If you go to your profile page and select your connection with Diabetes, everyone here will be able to see that title in the forums. Below, I’ve inserted some images that will walk you through getting this set up. If you have NOT received a “badge” after setting your connection to diabetes field, please contact me and I’ll attempt to troubleshoot your issues.

Before you can set up your title, you need to be sure you’ve made a selection in your “Preferences --> Profile” area. See screenshot below for how to set this:

Step 1 - Click on your “picture” up on the top right to open the menu

Step 2 - Click "Preferences icon"

Step 3 - Set your Title

After you have set your title AND received your badge + title (Step 3), follow the below steps to make this title active within the forums:

Step 4 - Find the “Title” field

Step 5 - Click the ‘pencil’ to open up the Badge Selection page
Select Badge

Step 6 - Select your “Connection with Diabetes” title
select title

We believe this is a great way to help each of us identify who we are speaking with at any given time and helps to build our relationships and sense of community.

Thanks for reading!

Please remember - if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me!

NOTE: Any co-founder, if you mess with your title you will lose the “co-founder” title as this is a custom title that has been set by one of the Admins/Mods. Please leave your title as is! If you feel you need a modification to your title, please let one of the Admins or Mods know.


Can I get two badges - like “Type 1 + Parent of Type 1”?


@Aaron, you certainly are an exception and if I can make that happen for you, I will! Let me look into this for you.


How’s that @Aaron?

You now have both badges and, since there isn’t a custom badge/title for someone with T1 who also has a child with T1, I’ve given you a custom title to account for both of these. If you change it to something else in the future, you’ll need a Mod/Admin to change it back to what I’ve set it too.


I’ve set my option in the drop-down list but I’m not sure if I’ve received a bag nor can I find where to edit a title…?

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Did you just make the change? If so, it could take a few minutes for the system to process the change and award the badge / title.

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I changed the drop-down to Type 1 when I first joined.

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Yay, I found it! Didn’t realize it was on a different page from the “Profile” page.


You made my day!

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Hi @ClaudnDaye after 3+ years I’ve realized that my “badge” is way, way off. I selected it as my initial connection with type 1, as in when I was diagnosed. I am far, far from my teen/college years and should simply identify as “type 1” if possible. I’ve poked around and can’t figure out how to change my badge on my own. Is there a way an admin might be able to allow me to change it? Thanks! Jessica

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One of the Admins should be able to take care of that for you no problem. @Chris or @Michel should be able to take care of this pretty easily for you.

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@JessicaD, I sorted you out on the badges. You are now a Type 1 for Connection to Diabetes for your badge, and I revoked you badge for College. Let me know if this made the change you were looking for.


@Chris and @ClaudnDaye - That is perfect – thank you so much! Jessica