In prep for launch: please fill your profile!

We are getting geared up for our public launch!

We made numerous decisions in previous threads in the Lounge. It is important that we all do what we want new users to conform to. Here is everything we all need to do:

  • Please assign a picture or an icon to your profile instead of the default letter!

  • Please choose the appropriate dropdown for your “relation to diabetes” section in your profile

  • Please fill your personal “About me” profile section using the following format for the first line:
    Relationship to diabetes | Dx date and age at Dx| Dexcom/Pump/MDI?| More details if any| Diet

  • If possible, please use the 2nd line of your profile for a link to your own diabetes story in the “Me” subsection of the “Share” category. Insert the link using the hyperlink symbol in the menu above it.

  • If possible, please write your own diabetes story in the “My Story” subsection of the “Share” category

Please do this as soon as possible, so that we all are ready for launch! Launch could happen as early as next week.

Note: your profile can be accessed by clicking on your own icon, in the upper right-hand part of the page

As an example, this is what my “card” (what you get when you clock on someone’s picture) looks like:

Hmmm - I just realized that you can’t click on the link in the card. Nor can you even cut-and-paste it into the address line.

@ClaudnDaye, do you see a simple way to deal with that? How can we include a link? I know several admins at tuD have a link – dont quite remember how that worked.

Surely you know better than to ask a woman her age‽ I will say “Over 30.” :cheeky:

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Looks like you might have figured it out. The link isn’t functional when clicking on it from within the “About Me” section, but in the forums when you click on your image and the link appears, it is clickable (now…yours wasn’t clickable before so it looks like you figured it out.)

Either of 3 ways works for formatting the URL

(without spaces of course, just showing layout w/o links actually appearing)
1: BBCode like: [ u r l = h t t p s : / / f o r u m . f u d i a b e t e s . o r g / t / l i a m s - s t o r y / 6 6 2 ] L i a m ’ s
S t o r y [ / u r l ]
2: HTML like: < a h r e f = " h t t p s : / / f o r u m . f u d i a b e t e s . o r g / t / l i a m s - s t o r y / 6 6 2 " > L i a m ’ s S t o r y < / a >
3. Or just use the Hyperlink functionality within the About Me section.

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I “filled” my profile. Hope I did it right.

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OK - I cracked and decided that “Share” will need more than one line. So I renamed “Me” with the clearer meaning of “My Story”.