Random D thoughts

how come you are so fortunate? you must have great insurance or live somewhere on another planet. where i am, 1 vial of novolog costs $400, give or take. after my insurance, my copay for 2 vials is $95. no kidding.maybe we can come to an agreement :wink:

(which insulin do you use??? )

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I’m in Canada, using Fiasp. It’s not covered by the provincial government yet, but two boxes of penfills (equivilent to three vials) costs me $140. Then I submit to the insurance I have through my work, who covers 80% of that cost, so in the end I pay about $28.

All medical costs in the US are so outrageous. :cry:

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tell me about it. i have about $ 1,000 USD / month of co-pays. (thats the CO-PAY, not the entire price !! is that sick, or what ….redundant question, eh? ) and i’m on Medicare. i don’t know how the gov’t thinks i can afford all of that. beats me.

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I always do the BG guessing game before testing. It helps me to be more conscious of my BG instead of just relying on the meter.

So tonight when running, I guessed 82 and it was 75. My wife looked at it and laughed at me and said, “You suck. You are way off!” (joking, of course).

The thought occurred to me - if I ever die and she remarries another diabetic, I feel sorry for that guy.


Oh had a good laugh… I feel sorry for him too:-)

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Wrong nutrition information on label

I kinda feel sorry for her now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Me too, Doc!


12 posts were split to a new topic: Life insurance and diabetes

Last night I saw a “signal loss” alert on my phone and so I learned that a mid-size cat can impede the bluetooth signal from the cgm! :scream_cat: :smile_cat:


was the cat sitting directly on the transmitter?

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Not this time: the phone was to the left, he was on my lap, the CGM on my upper right arm. I expect a signal lose any time I wear it on my abdomen and he stretches out on my mid-section. :smile_cat:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Glucose tabs


"In the not so distant future, a colony of people will be living on the moon."


"There will be a cure for diabetes within 5 years."


"Flying cars will soon be a reality."




As I lay here listening to my 4 month old in his bed talking (it’s too early!), this made me want to laugh out loud…but I won’t, because I don’t want him to realize I’m awake yet. :wink:


I just read a summary of a dissertation about artificial pancreases. This summary, written in Dutch, contained a very intriguing phrase, which roughly translated means something like "… type 2 diabetes (diabetes that arises during life) …"
Was I dead when I developed T1D?! :rofl:


Not sure how to tell you this @Boerenkool


I’ve seen a lot of crazy CGM traces posted on this site, but I still haven’t seen anyone do a full loop.

Come on people, get with it. Let’s see one!


I was in the mood for French food tonight.

That’s just McStupid.


I was pissed after lunch because of a high BG, so I did an IV injection. I created a new BG tag and tagged it.

My next endo appointment, I am going to let them download my Glooko report and see it.

What are they going to do, take away my syringes? Stop prescribing insulin? Not let me be a diabetic anymore?