Favorite sweet treat for treating a low?

I like those mini almond joy candy bars (milk chocolate and coconut and almond) and I also like salt water taffy.


Orange glucose tabs and in a pinch Sweet Tarts. When I’m out on the bike I might take 1 or 2 tabs and 20g of peanut butter crackers. Chocolate candy would not work on a bike ride 6 or 8 months in Texas.


I like lots of things! Everyday is something different.

Today is oatmeal cookies.


Too true. Unfortunately neither does salt water taffy. Gets all sticky and oozy and then manages to slither out of its packaging and make a huge mess.

On the road I take nature valley granola bars which are pretty indestructible.


Fastest to rise my bg is grapefruit juice, plus I love it. But it isn’t the most portable. I’ve started carrying glucose tabs again for their potability but I really try hard not to have to take one! I also love the Almond Joy candy bar and I find relying on them much easier for a low but not as effective nor nutritional as juice :rofl:


I never met a carbohydrate I didn’t like :joy:

I think we are mixing too different things here treating a low vs enjoying a treat. Maybe you can put them together but when I am low I am not going to reach for chocolate, it is not a fast acting carb, I will stick with G-tabs, Oreo’s & Welch’s Fruit Snacks. Just want to be over the low.

On the other hand I like chocolate so if you are hankering for the best one for Betes… Hummm Dark Chocolate :grin: check it out.

Best Chocolate for Diabetes

Now that Y’all have done this to me I gonna get even & stick this in your head :joy:

Amond Joy Jingle


I don’t waste my lows on glucose tabs. :joy:



Guess that depends on the type of low you are heading for… I mean if it’s a casual one well there’s your excuse to break open the Halloween candies early :joy: but… what if it’s the kind where you have been below 40 for what seems to be hours. You’ve been eating your mini chocolate bars & doing finger sticks every 15 minutes & you are not coming up. It finally says LOW so you’re in clear the fridge mode. First some orange juice, coke, milk all with cookies & what not, even something you thought was some kind of old pie :roll_eyes: :woozy_face: your gut is so full of crud <— cleaned that up) you couldn’t possible get another thing in… You’re a walking time bomb & being somewhat back to coherent you realize you’re gonna need to take insulin for the crud you ate, You just can’t remember what it was :face_holding_back_tears:

All I can say is Glucose Tabs & sip of something to wash it down with would surely have saved a lot of those gut aches I had when I was a kid. G-tabs just weren’t available back then. Ok I lied neither were finger sicks :rofl: caulk chalk (beat you to it @TomH :wink:) that up to artistic liberty…

So @Eric you can see why I treat a low for that low & I keep my treats separate so I can enjoy it & remember it :grin:

Whew that was a lot. Anyone got a Fresca :wink:

Edit: Busted so sometimes a G-tab just won’t due. Maybe you need either cheesecake, a cookie or brownie. Hey Trio said I needed 10 carbs to avoid the low so I had 20 just to check out the UAM… :grin:


That’s my attitude too. Going low gives me an opportunity to indulge my sweet tooth in stuff I don’t get to eat too often. It’s a bit of a dance, as all the sweets have much more variable effects than glucose tabs.

I was prompted to write the OP because I just had eaten an almond joy for the first time in maybe three years, and it really had that “forbidden fruit” taste to it, i.e. this is so good but so bad for me - you don’t want to eat more than one even if you are low.

@SobeiT thanks for the article reference.

@Trying - I can’t drink grapefruit juice because I’m on a statin. I think of orange juice as krytonite - it reliably and rapidly spikes my blood sugar. But I really don’t want it around, because i don’t use much of it. Almond Joys last practically forever. Maybe not in the texas sun @CarlosLuis but at least in the cupboard.


In the summer, in my car I carry the little packs of Skittles. Not the big bags, but the small ones. So I can eat the whole thing.

Not really a big fan of the Skittles. But they don’t melt. So that’s why I keep them in my car.

But in the winter, I put those aside and keep chocolate in the car. :yum:


It also depends on when. Glucose tabs are in the bedside table. Quick, easy, eyes closed, go back to sleep. I don’t want to get up, go to the kitchen, indulge in pastries, brush my teeth, try to get back to sleep.


The nice thing about glucose tabs is that you can also use them to make some really colorful sidewalk decorations. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry. I apologize for being horrible.


I don’t waste my money on glucose tabs.
Look at the ingredients and nutritional values for $10 pharmacy glucose tabs and compare that to much, much cheaper Smarties candies. They are identical.

I am a chocoholic, but the fat in chocolate slows the absorption of the sugar in chocolates, plus it’s the wrong kind of sugar. Chocolate uses sucrose and/or corn syrup as a sweetener and has to be digested to break it down to dextrose (another name for glucose). Smarties are sweetened using dextrose, so the response is faster.

I buy my Smarties on Amazon. $50 for ten pounds. That’s a lot of smarties candies.


Oh don’t do that… you’re just being @Eric our beloved JesterTester :heart:

Good Deal. I used to really like smarties only problem is they unroll & make a mess in your pocket or in whatever you are carrying them in.

@SteveMann Welcome back from Hibernation :bear:


I item I enjoy black licorice.


I don’t do chocolate for Liam for fast carb treatment because it isn’t a fast carb, at least not when he eats it. He eats plenty of chocolate, just not for treating lows.


I was diagnosed around 1970 and used to carry a couple sugar packets in my pocket. (I am probably personally responsible for restaurants no longer putting sugar bag dispensers on the table.) Now when they broke open, you’re talking a mess.


@Beacher I have done the sugar packets thing too.

Here’s a twist what is the weirdest thing you ate for a low?

I was in the country when I was 10 YO around 1970. People didn’t know that much about diabetes back then. I was given a half frozen hot dog for a low. I guess it work cuz I am still here :joy:

Or how about no OJ made so I grabbed the can of frozen concentrate & ate it with a spoon.

What’s your story? :grin:


Does anyone else get temporarily depressed and get a metallic taste in your mouth when you’re low?? That association has ruined too many candies I used to like. :smiling_face_with_tear: Now I mostly treat lows with “sacrificial” foods that I don’t like but don’t hate: apple juice, Air Heads, fruit snacks, glucose tabs.

… Only exception is a maple donut, sometimes I do appreciate a reason to have another one :joy:


I’m apparently to scared of being seen by the diabetes gods transgressing the rules of low treatments….I need to branch out more! :laughing: