Favorite sweet treat for treating a low?

Done that!


Yes, I have had that too. But it takes a really really low low low to get that for me.


I don’t get depressed but with one of @Eric 's low low lows. I will not be myself the rest of that day. In fact I feel dumber than dirt… Don’t ask me any meaningful question if you want a reasonable answer :crazy_face:

Funny I have been feeling lately that I have spent too much time worshiping at the diabetic alter :pray:

I will try & explain, When I was on the Omnipod 5 & other more simple systems I would just remember what type of foods made me higher & would just recall what worked. Moved to Loop & it was a little more effort but now on Trio it’s exhausting the effort that goes into it. First figure out what the meal is then open Nutritionix to calculate the carbs, fat & protein. Put that data into Trio check to make sure Trio has everything alright. It’s never ending.

My relationship with my wife & others was better when diabetes wasn’t the center of my universe. Stress level was better too.

K having said that at my Endo appointment yesterday my a1c was 6.4. Four months ago was 6.8. Last year 7.6 everything from a diabetic standpoint is much better & heading in the right direct.

so what is a good balance… I say kick the pagan diabetic gods to the curb, hug the wife, treat others with repect & live life a little easier :grin:


Yeah, it’s definitely when it’s in the 39-50 range when it happens. Yuck!


Yes!! That’s one of my main signs that I’m getting real low. Things that should make sense just don’t. :sweat_smile: Thankfully I feel back to normal after 10 minutes back in range!


I just don’t understand why a pump algorithm has to be so complicated.

Normally I am in open-loop. I know what insulin I need, and I just take it.

I have the IC set to an easy to use number that makes the math work for when I am in closed-loop. I picked 1:20 as my IC. Super easy math!

I can just enter a “carb number” that matches what amount of insulin I need.

For example, if I am going to take 4 units, I just enter 80 grams of carbs. If it is 4.5 units I am going to take, I enter 90g carb.

And then the pump thinks, “Oh, perfect. Eric is taking 4 units for the 80g carbs. That’s an exact match! I don’t need to add or subtract anything…”

As many times as I have taken insulin - I can only guess, but well over 70,000 times by now - do I really need a pump to tell me how much insulin I need?!?!


I like super easy too but according to you.

It’s a lot easier to be a creature of habit & eat the same things often so you know what insulin you need but When you are trying your new things all the time are you counting your carbs, do you do anything for Fat or Protein? Do you pre-bolus? I know you are Looping, do you use their extended Bolus I.E. Pizza is 5 hrs?

Believe me when I say I would really love to stop walking the tight-rope but if I don’t pre-bolus I will be 300 before a blink of the eye, even with pre-bolus this morning I am at 214. Try to ease that back into range without created a low… If no extended bolus I can count on a rebound high…

Hey I am me three, I am way past me too ready for easy :grin:

PS: Sorry @bostrav59 for spamming your post


Ya, but who wants to do that?

Some carbs are fast, some are slow. But you can kinda know what speed they will have.

Normally I don’t count anything. I just kinda know by now how much insulin something will require. Rarely, if it is something for which I have no clue, I look at the carb amount on the package. If I am at a restaurant, I might look at the plate when it comes out and then add some insulin to what I already took.

Sometimes, if I am eating just protein I will take a small amount of insulin. But I don’t count anything and calculate it.

I will pre-bolus if I need it. It depends on what I am going to eat and what my BG is.

My loop version does not have extended bolus. If I need to do that, I turn on a temp basal for the “extra” extended amount I want to take.


I will frequently do this, but usually I use 8 hours for my evening meal! That way I don’t get too much insulin upfront and will get some throughout the evening to counteract the slower metabolism/carbs.



This time last year I was swagging numbers (probably not as good as you) I would say that Mexican food I am going to count as 100 or that’s Chinese food it’s going to make me really high I will count that as 135. I probably was happier then & certainly less stressed but my a1c was 7.6, yesterday with all the work counting it was 6.4. Think I will find some better middle ground soon. Next Pod change I got a G6 transmitter from my Endo & will try the (older pods) Omnipod 5 for about 20 days.

I have been using the tmp basal a lot more recently set at 90 to bring me down, head off the spikes. Been using it before my pre-meal bolus & even letting it ride until well after I have eaten. It’s been very helpful for me.

Thanks for sharing your info @Eric if you are happy with your TIR & that system. I say move power to you!

Cheers :smiley:


That’s one thing I really like about Trio. You can set or even override how much upfront insulin you take. My standard is set at 85% but I adjust that as needed. I think the Omni 5 is the same way you can adjust what % & how long.


When I read that post I had just bought some black licorice on my bike trip (boston - NH - Gloucester - Boston). I just got back today. I also love black licorice.

This post went all over the place, and reminds me of how everyone’s diabetes is different. Congrats @SobeiT on bringing down the A1c like you did. Maybe the adjustments will get more intuitive as you keep practicing them.


Thank you. One can hope. Here’s to everyone keeping hope alive :smiley:


@bostrav59 – if your travels bring you close to Newton/Chestnut Hill/Boston College, let me know and I have a package of “Wiley Wallaby” black licorice for you! My sister sent me a whole set of what they make (every flavor better than the last!), but black licorice is NOT MY JAM. I’d love to get this to you! (To stay on topic, any other flavor of licorice is a favorite for treating a low, but strangely licorice takes awhile to kick in for me?!)


What ever strikes my fancy is what I keep in my nightstand, along with Minute Maid shelf stable OJ in case I prefer it.

But toting around with me I always take vegan gummy bears as a sure fire quick fix and mix in some vegan crystallized ginger, jelly beans or giggles in the bag. But I also take treat du jour. Something that’s a little more substantial because eating a bunch of candy can get old really fast. So always vegan, maple cookie, pb cups, raspberry licorice, chocolate milk. There used to be a vegan chocolate bar that held up decently and I loved, but they went out of business and I have yet to find one I enjoy as much and doesn’t become a melted mess in my purse.

I lose my ability to taste sweet at lows, so I like something that I still can taste the flavor of and enjoy.


I’d like to add that I keep a roll of Sweet Tart originals in both vehicles as a backup. 8 pieces equals 15g so it easy to meter. I learned to use easily measured fast carbs to treat lows because I used to be hangry eating everything in sight until I felt better. The problems is my BG would continue to rise to unacceptable highs,


Yes & then the hard part was trying to remember what you ate so you could take some insulin for it once the rise began :ok_man:


Thanks @JessicaD. I know that brand - famous australian licorice. I like it a lot, esp the black.
I don’t have any plans to get over to that part of town until BC has a home game against Harvard. BC is much better (leagues better)_but I was over there once last year for a basketball game. I’ll give you plenty of warning - so hold on to that licorice!

Last night I got home very late from a bike ride and I was heading low before going to bed. What to do? Why, Almond Joy minibar, of course. I don’t know why those Almond Joys are so good. But they are! And they are so sweet that they feel sinful. Probably part of their attraction.


Love this!! T1Ds do have some things to look forward too! Of course, you positively deserve an Almond Joy after a bike ride!


I always thought the term “Fun Size” was wrong.

I think the bigger chocolate bars are much more fun!



