Quadruple stacking for covid

I’m battling a nasty Covid variant which has wreaked havoc on my insulin resistance. On the road to recovery physically today but the insulin resistance seems totally random. To top it off, today my pod ran out of insulin before my dinner bolus and I was not at home, had to wait a while to install the new pod. I’ve also been experimenting a bit with Affrezza for correction bolus (hello 3 AM correction, haven’t seen you around lately!).

Somewhat humorously I discovered that I quadruple stacked insulin for tonight’s dinner:

  1. I always take a syringe dose of 2-3 units when installing a new pod;
  2. With this new pod I started an untethered 50% basal using a 5 year old Tresiba pen;
  3. I cut my dinner bolus back by 2 units to make up for bolus 1;
  4. When I noticed BG still climbing 1/2 hour after the dinner bolus I took 2 4u Afrezza tabs (equivalent to 5 units of fast acting). Then I ate my dinner and waited for things to settle down.

After dinner my BG is over 200 and still climbing! The conclusion of this essay is “Covid su&#s !!”. With that quadruple stacking I will take a half hour walk before any more corrections.


That’s my experience with Covid vaccinations and actual Covid. To compound it the immunotherapy is hiking my insulin resistance.

I’m using Tandem X2. I’ve been supplementing my basal with Lantus. Recently I started doing a high bolus extended 60/40. I still have to do corrections but not having my BG spiking close to 300 mg/dl.

This will pass bear up.


Sorry you’re going thru all that! Would we could take it off your hands, but not sure who we’d give it all too that would handle it better than you are! Stay strong my friend!


Not to be too much like Joe Btfsplk…now my wife’s got it. My symptoms are gradually returning to normal, except the insulin resistance.


Sorry to hear it’s hitting you this bad. I had my first bout of Covid in Feb and the physical symptoms were pretty devastating. I haven’t been that sick for 25 years. BG was nasty to manage as well, even with cutting carbs back. I just had the latest Moderna vaccine, though, and this time around it was a breeze. Barely any reaction and no change to insulin needs. The shingles vaccine, on the other hand…