Pandamania 10k Training Log

03/11/2024: Three Thirty Three Run: 12 Days To Go

Sleep Hours: 6.5
6:00: trash day! garbage out, wake BG 111, 7u Lantus
8:00: BG 125
8:16: Three Thirty Three Run
10:00: BG 171, NovoLog 1u
10:20: BG 197, NovoLog 2u

errand day saw us out and about and we ended up in an insurance coverage fight on the phone in safeway pharmacy for longer than i care to share: relevant info is stable BG 94-108 throughout our errands

4:00: HOME THANK GOD WHAT A DAY. insurance blows, and i have good insurance! worst system ever, maybe i will become a healthcare and disability rights attorney, this crap is absolutely outrageous :grimacing::rofl: forget the rest. sorry about that. our regularly scheduled programming will resume tomorrow.

Run #6:Three Thirty Three : 03/11/2024
Distance: 3.03
Song of the Day: “Somewhere in Vegas”, Crash Adams
Run Time: 31:36
RPE: ~6/10
Location: Treadmill
Surface: Treadmill
Shoe: Hoka Clifton 9
Start Time: 8:34 PDT
End Time: 9:45 PDT
Start BG: 125
15min BG: 174
30min BG: 111
End BG: 171

Notes: felt great but sugar was pretty whack, lots of up and down. i overshot my pace target a bit.


I am guessing that 30 minute reading was off.

No food for this one, right? No coffee either? On your off day, your BG still went up after waking, right?

I think this spike is a combination of your normal morning metabolism and the run.

For the part that is a BG spike from the run - that will get better over time, all by itself. For the part that is the spike from waking up - let’s work on that.

Can you do a BG check 30 minutes before you start and 15 minutes before you start? Let’s get an idea of how much you are rising before you start.



@panda As you know my thing is bicycling. I do both stationary using a smart trainer and out on the road. I haven’t seen any of your runs not on a treadmill. Will this might not make much difference in your BG management, but it is quite different running and riding out on the road, performance wise. Even with a smart trainer that increases/decreases resistance on hills, there is no way to truly stimulate the texture of the pavement and the wind. Also you will be running with others.

Just a thought, and if you live close to the course for the run - drive it out slowly paying attention to details, and walk and run some sections if not the whole thing.

If I am telling you what you already know, mea culpa, sister.
Run on! Elite.
The closest I got to that was a cardiologist commenting that I was moderately athletic.


never apologize! you’re right, but until this week every surface had 1” of solid ice on it with a side of slush and it’s not just unpleasant but dangerous. also, my area is very hilly and not well suited to specific pace work even when surfaces and conditions are good. with spring apparently here for real, expect to see more outdoor sessions.

i have two redone knees and one actually wrenched and popped in mile 4 just now, which has ended today’s session early. (i almost never do that: it will probably recover by tomorrow but it popped out of alignment three times, each time requiring me to hoist myself on the handlebars in order not to wreck. after the third pop scream and hoist, i called the session. for this reason i run indoors in the winter, too easy to twist something on the ice :sweat_smile:)

the course i am running is actually 2000’ lower in elevation, in a totally different climate zone, a 4 hour drive across a literal mountain range :sweat_smile: so pre running it is not a realistic option… i would if i could!


i HATE taking an incomplete but my knee was just not gonna play today. ran the first two fifteen minute segments as written but had to pull the third down to a slow jog after 3 knee events. i finished the assigned duration at a total 4.4 miles/45 minutes…. and if i had to take an incomplete at least my sugars were good! i took 15g of glucose tabs at 90. so lose some win some this morning! looks like post coolout will land around bg 100-110. i am salty about the incomplete but pretty happy with the sugars.


Hi @panda
I am sorry. This is new stuff. I did not know there were knee issues.


both acls had to be done. first was 2009, more recent one also involved a torn meniscus and cracked femur in 2021 :woman_shrugging:t2: don’t worry about it! i always play through and will brace or tape if needed. i’m used to it. it occasionally messes up a workout but doesn’t really require any kind of adaptive consideration overall. it hadn’t done this in a while so i had stopped wearing my brace, that was an error, i’ll just start again. :+1:


Do you ever use any NSAID’s? What about Voltaren (diclofenac)?

Those can be helpful.

Take a couple of days.

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it actually doesn’t usually swell. it doesn’t even hurt when it’s not actively doing that, which is why a slow jog didn’t bother it to wrap up: i couldn’t do it at pace, but i did complete the duration without pain or further incident. what it really does is slow me down. i suspect the meniscus repair did not completely take and this is some sort of flap or bit catching once in a while, and probably something about my mechanics at higher speed snags on whatever it is? but i do OTC meds when needed. i’m sort of busted up tbh, buncha miles on this ole mule :sweat_smile::+1:

tomorrow is 2 miles easy which honestly shouldn’t bother it at all. i’ll re-evaluate thursday for the tempo run.

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Just dig out your crampons. I mean anyone with an ice axe must have crampons. :grin:
Just kidding, always be safe.

I’m sorry that you have knee issues and so young. I have issues with both knees but regular bicycling has staved off knee replacement - motion is lotion. If you decide to take up cycling as a regular thing, be sure the bike is the right size for you and that it is properly fitted.

I’ll go back to reading your progress and being a cheering section.



mine are the yellow boots on the right. we had just climbed a 1000’ frozen waterfall and were sitting on top of it looking at the town of banff, canada. T is on the left. if anyone has ever been to cascade falls in banff, that’s the top of it in february.

:rofl: running in these is highly not recommended although i have seen it done! (not workout running on purpose but incidental jogging or running with crampons on.) the two biggest risks are # 1 gashing yourself with your shoe-knives, and # 2 it’s a LOT of traction and it will absolutely stick hard enough break - as in literally snap - your ankle if you screw up.


my mom has always been a big cyclist and she’s low key nagged me to join her forever. maybe now’s the time! i did the left acl in MMA in college, and the right in 2020 in a climbing fall. (the right one is the one that pops and was the one with the meniscus and femur, no i was not rescued from that incident, yes i insisted on getting out on my own steam, no i am not particularly smart why do you ask? :rofl:)

i will certainly tap your expertise if i go the :mountain_biking_woman:t2: route :+1::heart: i have mild arthritis in both knees as well due to the surgeries. admittedly my skiing is also not the most knee-friendly sport. i abuse the hell out of them :rofl: don’t feel sorry for me. feel sorry for my poor knees, they’re the wronged parties here really! :wink::rofl::grimacing:


This is so cool! Bucket list item for me.


we got to go some very cool places, he and i!!! today is actually our wedding anniversary: that was a previous anniversary trip.

and this one is on mt hood, taken by one of our friends the day after we got married. he’s in his favorite hideous orange pants. all our climbing was independent/unguided, usually just the two of us and sometimes one or two friends.

i had mostly stepped back from bigger climbing after losing my partner anyway, but i hope to continue doing some lower-intensity climbing and backcountry/volcano skiing. i am still contemplating how to do that on insulin. i will share if/as i begin learning how to approach those sports with daya b in tow! there are certainly some niche challenges that will need to be addressed to do this successfully with our shared diagnoses.

this is the sunrise we climbed into that morning. that’s me in the black. these were taken right below the pearly gates on hood.

and this is me coming up the pearly gates proper. don’t slip! open volcanic fumarole below! and if you zoom waaaay in you can see the parking lot of the timberline ski area down there below where the snow meets the forest, where we started. that place is most famous for being the filming location for kubrick’s “the shining”.


Those are great pictures! :star_struck: Thanks for sharing them!

If you want to add yours to this thread, or see some other pics of FUD peeps in action, we have a great picture thread that is worth going through sometime.


these were taken pre-dx, so i don’t think it counts for that thread. for now i shall ogle the achievements of others and draw inspiration. i’ll add my own soon enough! as we like to say in skiing, the stoke is high!


Gorgeous and amazing. You’ll get back to adventuring like this once you’re ready. :heart:

My sister lives in PDX and her kids ski at Mt. Hood every weekend! They had a routine of staying at the Timberline Lodge w friends for New Years for a long time. I can’t quite imagine them hiking like this, though. (My sister and I did a really cool, beautiful hike/climb in Norway last year that I should post on our unlimited strand – I was scared out of my mind!)


no light without darkness to illuminate, no courage without fear to triumph over! brava you, you should totally share! i wanna see. norway, incidentally, is on my bucket list. :heart:

and ha! so you know timberline! ok then, the big rock we’re walking towards in the first shot? that’s the rock you can see from the top of the chairlift on the palmer glacier. i bet your sis and niblings know exactly where that shot is, even if they haven’t gone up there on foot! that ridgeline is called the hogback. the route starts right out of the ski area/lodge parking lot. :+1: i really love that area. i’ve actually circumnavigated (the timberline trail) as well as summited (via pearly gates) mount hood: has anyone ever mentioned the hood to coast relay on here? maybe someday an FUD team could run it, that would honestly be really badass!


03/12/2024: Progress Progression: 12 Days To Go

Sleep Hours: 6.5
7:00: wake BG 121, NovoLog 1u, Lantus 7u, black coffee
7:45: BG 146, NovoLog 1u
8:45: BG 135, NovoLog 1u, dilute juice (5g)

EDIT: 10:30: BG 109 (corrected from 9:30)

10:55: BG 190, NovoLog 2u
11:45: BG 105 and dropping, protein bar (18g)
12:00: BG 79 dropping, fruit snacks (10g)
12:30: BG 160 rising, NovoLog 2u, fruit snacks (10g), almonds, and cheese
2:00: BG 131 rising, NovoLog 1u
2:30: BG 170 rising, NovoLog 2u
2:00: BG 128 dropping, turkey/cheese bagel thin sandwich (20g), apple (25g)
4:00: BG 160, NovoLog 2u
4:30: BG 122 dropping, charcuterie board with crackers (35g)
6:30: BG 108, NovoLog 2u, whole wheat pasta piccata with broccoli/white beans/chicken (50g)
7:30: BG 117
11:00: BG 97, night night sleep tight!

Totals got deleted by accident when copy pasting sorry, they are in the same zone as always though

Run #6:Progress Progression: 03/12/2024

Distance: 4.02
Song of the Day: “Learn How to Surf”, Owl City
Run Time: 45:00
RPE: ~7/10 - aerobically a 6, but knee problems/pain jacked mental work to an 8, split the diff and say 7
Location: Treadmill
Surface: Treadmill
Shoe: Hoka Torrent 2
Start Time: 8:55 PDT
End Time: 9:40 PDT
Start BG: 137
15min BG: 121
30min BG: 90 - 15g glucose tabs
45min BG: 104
End BG: 122

Notes: if my knee hadn’t effed me this was going great! we will see how it does tomorrow.


The numbers look good!

I might be missing something.

Do those number fit somewhere inside these numbers?

It looks like you stopped your run spike with this.